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Act Zero ( (だい) (ぜろ) (まく) Dai Zero Maku?) is the prologue of Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration manga and is a prequel to the original series.


Long ago during a turbulent time in Kyoto, there was a patriot known as Hitokiri Battosai. It is explained that Battosai slayed men as if he was carnage incarnate, and with his blood-soaked sword, he slashed open the Meiji Era. At the conclusion of those turbulent times, the Battosai disappeared, leaving only his legend behind. This adventure begins in the 11th year of the Meiji Era.

Kenshin is walking down a road, when he is hit by a rickshaw. As the rickshaw man comments about how he hit someone, but is shocked when Kenshin gets back up and wonders what happens. The rickshawman says that its good that Kenshin is alright, which Kenshin replies that that is good to hear that he is alright even through he is bleeding. The Rickshawman introduces himself as Dankichi and asks Kenshin name, which Kenshin introduces himself as a rurouni. Dankichi notices that Kenshin has a katana and panics, which Kenshin says that he indeed has a katana.

Suddenly someone calls to Dankichi, which Dankichi realizes that he has to get going. The people tells Dankichi that a woman has fallen and that he needs to get her to a doctor, which Dankichi says that he had figured and reveals that he brought the doctor. As the doctor steps out of the rickshaw, Kenshin is shocked by their appearance but the doctor says that they don't have to worry since their is no need to be suspicious of them. Kenshin comments about how Yokohama is indeed an incredible town since the doctor is a westerner that is wearing a mask and doesn't arouse suspicion, which someone says that that is not it at all. Someone asks Dankichi if he is sure about the doctor since foreigners aren't unusual here but they don't know a thing about the doctor or their face. As the little girl is worried about her mother, Dankichi tells the girl that her mother will be alright since the Elder is a world renowned doctor, and that he is on the side of anybody's who's hurt or sick.

The Elder tells Dankichi that he must prepare a prescription and to take the lady to his hotel room. Dankichi agrees to it but two thugs stops him. The two thugs force the people to make a path so that Ishizu Deian can confront the Elder. Ishizu says that the Elder is at it again and that he can't allow the Elder to practice medicine without his permission. The people comments about how Ishizu only treats big-shot westerners and the rich, which Ishizu asks what is wrong with that since those who cannot pay shall not live. Dankichi says that this shouldn't matter to Ishizu since the Elder takes care of those who can not pay. Ishizu says that this is exactly why he can't allow it, since the practice of medicine is an expensive skill and that the cost of western medicine especially has been rising since it was introduced at the start of the Meiji Era. Ishizu explains that they can't allow someone to exercise that skill practically for free since it will devalue their skills as well. Ishizu tells the Elder to not treat the woman or he will, which the Elder interrupts and says that Ishizu will bring harm to him. Ishizu says that laying a hand on a foreigner here in the settlement is the greatest taboo, but they will attack the sick woman and that the patient is beyond help and that their is no reason to treat her.

As the girl worries about her mother, Kenshin steps in front of the two thugs. Kenshin tells the thugs to stop it and explains that the lady's well-being is the main concern right now. One of the thugs pulls a knife and tells Kenshin to stay out of this or he will take one of Kenshin's eyes. The thugs notices Kenshin's katana and becomes scared. The thugs says that that is against the Haitorei, but Dankichi says that the thug doesn't have room to talk. The other thug calls Kenshin is a wannabe samurai and and attacks with a staff, but Kenshin jumps up and lands on the thug with the knife. Kenshin calls out to Dankichi, which Dankichi says that he is good to go since he has the woman and her daughter ready to go. Kenshin grabs the Elder's hand that they run away along with Dankichi. While running through the crowd, they hear comments about the Elder and the people deciding that its best to not get involved. Ishizu comments about how the Elder has a bodyguard and says that that is how the Elder wants to play.

Later at the International Hotel, the elder has treated the patient and book her a room to rest in until she gets better. Kenshin comments about how the Elder went above and beyond the call of a normal doctor, which Dankichi says that the Elder did that same for him when he broke his leg. Dankichi explains that the Elder won't accept payment since Dankichi can't earn till he was healed, and that the Elder had hire Dankichi so that he could make some money. Dankichi says that the Elder is the kind of person who asks nothing from those who can't pay and goes out of his way to treat those in need. The Elder thanks Dankichi, which Dankichi says that it was nothing at all. Dankichi says that he better get going and offers Kenshin a lift. Kenshin accepts and comments about how Dankichi explained how the Elder does things, which Dankichi says that farecheaters will be taken straight to the police. Kenshin says that he is a rurouni and should walk, which Dankichi says that its alright and that is more like him.

The Elder thanks Kenshin and offers his a room for the night. Kenshin accepts but notices that the Elder has gotten shorter when they head inside. As Kenshin comments about this, the Elder says that its just his imagination and explains that westerners appear shorter indoors. Kenshin comments about how strange that is, which the Elder heads into a different room to change. Kenshin notices a note and enters the room to tells the Elder that he has a message. Kenshin notices that the Elder is a woman and leaves the room while apologizng. The Elder tells him that westerners sometimes changes sexes, but apologies and says that that a lie.

At couple hours earlier, Ishizu meets with someone and explains who the Elder is. As the guy who is meeting with Ishizu comments about how Ishizu wants to get rid of the Elder, Ishizu explains this is his territory and that he needs to make an example of him so that others don't try to follow in his footsteps. The guy says that it would be trouble if anybody finds out that a native was involved, which Ishizu explains that the Elder has a bodyguard that none of his men stand a chance against. Ishizu says that the bodyguard is a samurai with a cross-shaped scar on his left cheek, which the guy says that he sees why Ishizu wants to borrow him. Ishizu is then the assassin defeats one of his thugs, which the guy explains that the assassin comes from a long line of assassins stretching back to the middle ages. The guy says that it will cost Ishizu and wonders if Ishizu can afford him, which Ishizu says taht he is a doctor. Ishizu places a jar with smallpox virus on the table and explains that he will have no end of patients, if he was to release this into the populace. The guy agrees to work with Ishizu and tells Espiral that its time to go to work. Espiral comments about how he heard of the samurai with a cross-shaped scar.

Back at the hotel, the Elder explains that woman doctors are rarely trusted and that nurses and maids are much more trusted than female doctors. Kenshin says that its the same in the west, but the Elder replies that its a fast of life. The Elder says that is the reason she wears elevated shoes, a tall hat, changes her voice and mannerisms, and puts on a mask. The Elder also says that she doesn't have much of a figure so that is the reason doesn't have to disguised her body, which the two laugh but Kenshin apologizes when the Elder starts to cry. Kenshin says that he is very sorry to hear that, which the Elder thinks about what the people comments about her. The Elder says that its okay since she was the one who chose this life because beyond her mask is a world where everybody can live a healthy life. The Elder says that that sounds a bit too grandiose, which Kenshin says that its not and apologizes that this one didn't mean to pry. Kenshin says that he will be leaving since he can't stay now that it had been revealed that the Elder is a lady. Before leaving, Kenshin tells Elder that Dankichi has a lot of faith in her and that the mother and child will be grateful for what she has done. Kenshin says that the Elder's choise was not the wrong one and bid her a good night.

While walking down a road, Kenshin remembers his talk he had with the leaders of the revolution and how a new era beyond his blood-soaked sword and the live sacrificed. Suddenly Kenshin notices a thing with his sleeve.

Later, Dankichi meets with the Elder which the Elder wonders what is the matter. Dankichi wonders if Elder has gotten his message, but just asks the Elder to come with him. Dankichi informs the Elder, which the Elder comments about how its an emergency with a specified time at the darkest hour before dawn. Dankichi says that he doesn't think that its an emergency since they specified a time, which the Elder and Dankichi comment about how it is odd.

Suddenly Dankichi notices that their is a guy in the middle of the road and tells him to get out of the road. As Espiral pulls out his sword, Dankichi wonder what the heck that is and wonders what he is doing. Espiral uses his Tormenta Infierno technique to flip the rickshaw upside down. As the rickshaw is destroyed, Ishizu is hiding in the shadow and comments about how he came to see if Espiral is worth the price and he really is. As Dankichi is worried about the Elder, Espiral grabs Elder and asks where the samurai is.

Kenshin arrives and comments about how it took longer then expected to get the message left for the Elder translated. Kenshin tells Espiral to let her go, which Espiral explains that the name of samurai have spread far across the sea. Espiral says that the samurai has disappeared with the Meiji revolution ten years ago, and that he came to this island betting that a few had survived. Espiral says that he had finally met one, and that its the legendary samurai, Hitokiri Battosai. Dankichi and Ishizu are shocked by this, while Elder is confused by this. Kenshin says that that name was shed ten years ago, but Espiral tells him to don't be ridiculous. Espiral says that Kenshin may have shed the name but not the sword. Espiral says that he know that the sword is a samurai's soul and that Kenshin's soul remains unchanged, and that Kenshin is a hitakiri. Espiral proclaims that Kenshin is a man who kill like him, and tells Kenshin to unsheathe that soul since he would like to know which of them is the better killer. Espiral says that if Kenshin doesn't want to kill, then they can compare the number of victims and starts to choke Elder while saying that she is number one.

Kenshin says that he will show Espiral his sword for an instant and start to pull out his sword. As Everyone is shocked by this, Espiral lets the Elder go and thinks that Kenshin is coming. As Espiral attacks with his ultimate and fastest technique Tempestar Infierno, he thinks about how his saber has been improved to better take lives and his right arm has been trained to the limit. Kenshin steps on the blade and comments about that that was fast but not fast enough. Kenshin jumps into the air and attacks Espiral with his Ryutsuisen technique. As Espiral says that he has been cut in half, which Kenshin tells him to look closely at the sword that this one now carries. Espiral notices that the sword is a sakabato, which Kenshin says that the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu is a style that takes lives with certainly, unless its preformed with a sword designed not to take lives. Espiral is relieved and falls to the ground. The thug with Ishizu says that Kenshin is in a different class then them, which Ishizu decides to throw the jar with small pox. The Elder catches the jar, while Dankichi takes care of the thug and Ishizu.

Sometime later, Kenshin meets with the Elder at the shore. Kenshin tells the Elder that Ishizu has been arrested, and that Espiral and broker will be punished in their respective countries which the Elder feels relief. Kenshin comments about how the Elder is leaving Japan, which the Elder sasy that she has patients waiting for her in America. The Elder says that she is glad that Kenshin is seeing her off, since it makes her feel like he will be here to greet her the next time she comes. Kenshin says that its not just him and Kenshin points to the others at the other side of the canal. Everyone waves to the Elder and thanks her, while telling to come back soon. Kenshin says that the Elder will have many welcoming her back next time. The Elder removes her masked and thanks them while wishing them health, which everyone is shocked that the Elder is so beautiful. Kenshin tells the Elder to take care and to please keep helping the hurt and the sick, which the Elder says that she will and that she will do her best to everyone can have a healthy life.

The Elder comments about Kenshin's scar and how it look like its an old sword wound but it seems like it was made just yesterday. The Elder explains that the body and mind are connected, stronger and more deeply than his thinks. Elder figures that the scar is connected to his past, and asks how Kenshin would feel about starting a new life in a new world. The Elder says that its called climatotherapy, and explains that leaving a familiar environment for a new on can be relaxing and therapeutic. Kenshin thanks the Elder for her concern but his past was a choice, and one that he can't let go. Kenshin says that the past and this scar are who this one is, and the least he can do is protect as many people as possible with his sword. The Elder says that Kenshin is right, and if the sword is a samurai's soul then that is a fitting life for someone carrying a non-lethal sword. The Elder then advices Kenshin to settle in one place and rest both his body and mind, since any scar or illness requires treatment but it also requires rest. As the Elder departs on a ship, she tells Kenshin to help anyone that asks for his help while he is wandering, which Kenshin agrees to it and continues his wandering.

It is explains that during the turbulent time in Kyoto, there was a patriot known as Hitokiri Battosai. Battosai has slayed men as if he was carnage incarnate, and with his blood-soaked sword he slashed opened the Meiji Era. At the conclusion of those turbulent times, he disappears, leaving only his legend behind. The real story of his adventure began five days later in Tokyo, in the 11th year of the Meiji Era.


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