Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

The Two Hitokiri is the twelfth chapter of the Rurouni Kenshin manga.


In the evening, Kenshin meets with Jin-e at the Chinshu Forest before the old temple, where Kaoru is held hostage. The battle quickly begins, and it's clear that Kenshin is no longer the peaceful swordsman, but a deadly assassin. Kenshin and Jin-e clash their swords, but Kenshin does not have a clear advantage. To anger Kenshin even more, Jin-e applies a powerful Shin no Ippo to Kaoru, that will kill her in minutes unless Kenshin finishes Jin-e once and for all. What will be Kaoru's destiny now that her life is in danger? Will Kenshin really kill Jin-e to lift his curse on Kaoru?


Himura Kenshin reads (and then rips to shreds) a message from Udō Jin-e telling him to be at the shrine in Chinshu forest at midnight.

In a clearing of Chinshu forest, Jin'e is conversing with Kaoru (who is tied up) about how strong Kenshin is. He tells her that her kidnapping will make Kenshin angry, which will bring back his hitokiri nature and make the upcoming fight interesting.

That is when Kenshin arrives in the clearing and tells Jin-e that he can't allow Kaoru to be wrapped up in this. His eyes are different. No longer is he the peaceful rurouni, but is gradually reverting into the Hitokiri Battōsai. Noticing that Kenshin is speaking in his old manner, Jin-e declares that the legendary hitokiri is revived.

They start fighting and, after a few exchanges, Kenshin thinks that he has Jin-e figured out. Kenshin unleashes his Ryu Sou Sen, but Jin-e blocks all of Kenshin's attempted hits. Jin-e proves to be a troublesome adversary and deeply wounds Kenshin. Stating that Kenshin is still far from his old Battōsai self, Jin-e decides to use his hypnotic power to make Kaoru slowly choke to death. he hits Kaoru with a powerful Shin no Ippo. Unlike the regular Shin no Ippo which causes paralysis, this more powerful version can cause its target to suffocate.

Predictably angered by this, Kenshin moves forward in the blink of an eye, using his sakabatō to break Jin-e's nose in the process. Noting that he couldn't notice the movement of Kenshin's sword, Jin-e declares that this is Hitokiri Battōsai.

The battle between the two hitokiris has only begun. Kenshin answers that the time for talk is over, and tells his enemy to approach so that he can kill him.

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Chapter Notes[]

This chapter has several differences with other portrayals of the events of the story in different iterations of the franchise:

Differences with the 1996 anime[]

  • In the manga Kenshin arrives at the fight place at night. This is in contrast with the anime, where Kenshin arrives to the fight place when there is still sunlight (and after him and Jin-e talk right before the fight it becomes night).
  • In the manga Sanosuke and Yahiko stay at the Kamiya Dōjō. This is in contrast with the anime where Kenshin sends a letter to Sanosuke and Yahiko explaining the situation with Jin-e, and then Yahiko insists on going to find Kenshin, so both of them leave the Dōjō looking for them.

Differences with Rurouni Kenshin: Origins[]

  • In the manga the fight between Kenshin and Jin-e takes place at night. This is in contrast with the live action movie, where the fight takes place during the day.
  • In the manga, the shrine is at the top of a hill. In the live action movie the shrine is located on a lower place that is accesible via a set of stairs going down.

Differences with Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration[]

To be added

Differences with the 2023 anime[]

  • There are practically no differences between the events of the manga chapter and the anime episode that covers them.


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