The First Secret is the one hundred twentieth chapter of the Rurouni Kenshin manga.
To finish the fight Aoshi has decided to use his special Kaiten Kenbu Rokuren, so Kenshin has no option left but to use his ōgi, the Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki. But Sanosuke has warned him about Yumi sending secret messages to Shishio, and Aoshi sees that as a potential advantage (since Kenshin is doubtful about using it). What will be the result of those two techniques clashing? Is this fight going to end with a death swordsman?
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- Himura Kenshin
- Kamiya Kaoru
- Sagara Sanosuke
- Shinomori Aoshi
- Beshimi
- Hyottoko
- Han'nya
- Shikijō
- Hiko Seijūrō XIII
- Shishio Makoto
- Komagata Yumi
- Sadojima Hōji
- Seta Sōjirō
Chapter Notes[]
This chapter has several differences with other portrayals of the events of the story in different iterations of the franchise:
Differences with the 1996 anime[]
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Differences with the 2023 anime[]
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- This manga chapter marks the second time Kenshin uses the Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki (the first one being against Hiko Seijūrō while on training), and the first time being used on an actual real combat.
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