Remembrance 3: In the Rain of Blood is the one hundred sixty-seventh chapter of the Rurouni Kenshin manga.
The young woman sitting behind Battousai is approached by two swordsmen claiming to be Aizu Ishin Shishi. They demand the woman should join them in sake while one of them causes a ruckus with his sword. Battousai appears and warns them to stand down and leave. Due to the intense pressure from the restaurant customers supporting the hitokiri, the two swordsmen run away in shame.
After paying his tab, Battousai leaves to walk the night streets of Kyoto. In his thoughts, he remembers that his master had told him sake would only taste bad if there was something sick inside of the person. Just ahead on Battousai's path waits the same two swordsmen who tend to get payback for embarrassing them. The sober one seems a bit hesitant, already sensing the man is a hitokiri. While the two debate, a Bakufu spy with double katana connected by chain comes up from behind them.
A painful scream is heard. Battousai stops in his path and notices the hesitant swordsman running towards him, screaming for help. The swordsman is killed immediately afterwards by the Bakufu spy from behind and stands before Battousai. Like the Battousai, the spy was an assassin of the shadows with orders to kill the hitokiri.
With little words exchanged, the battle starts where the spy has the advantage with his chain and decides to settle with a jumping finish. With skill, Battousai pulls the chain and catches the other sword connected to the chain in his hand. The Bakufu spy cannot stop his assault - he is sliced in half by his own blade.
Blood showers the scene. Battousai quickly turns around after sensing the presence of someone. Behind him stands the young woman from the restaurant covered in blood. She tells the hitokiri that she had come to thank him for what he did at the restaurant, but tells him that it is he who causes bloody rain. The two remain in silence as they stare at one another.