Remembrance 5: Madness is the one hundred sixty-ninth chapter of Rurouni Kenshin manga.
Two weeks have passed since Tomoe stayed and helped at the Kohagi Inn, while the Battousai continues his "evening errands" every time Iizuka hands him a black envelope. This leaves Tomoes to question the boy enjoys assassinating every evening Battousai returns to wash his bloodstained hands.
Katsura, Katagai, and Iizuka meet in the busy streets near a small restaurant. Trying not to make their conversation obvious, Iizuka reports to Katsura that Tomoe is not the spy they're after she they can't track her past. Iizuka calls Tomoe a stray cat, but mentions that since Battousai and Tomoe's meeting, there have been reports of Battousai's sword skills decreasing.
Sometime late, rTomoe is visited by Katsura who introduces himself. Katsura explains the role of Battousai, how he is the forefront of fulfilling harsh roles by going mad not to hate such justice for the sake of a new era. With Katsura's insight finished, Tomoe asks if the head of the Choshuu Clan is hinting at her to take upon a role. Katsura denies it; he claims to have just come to inform Tomoe.
The next day after another night's work, Battousai rests on the windowsill in his room. Tomoe walks in and stares at the hitokiri who can only view him as a young boy. Tomoe readies to cover Battousai with her shawl, but he wakes up immediately and instinctively draws his blade, but managing to hold back at the second his blade was near Tomoe's throat. Battousai sheathes his sword and apologizes while Tomoe covers Battousai's lap with her shawl, now that he's awake. As she does so, Tomoe tells Battousai that she will be with him for a while, as he needs a sheath to suppress the madness. With his head bowed down, Battousai brings up the question Tomoe asked a few days ago - what would happen if she had a sword in her hand on the night it rained blood upon her. The answer is no; Battousai says he'll never kill her, ever.