Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Megumi, Kanryū, and... is the sixteenth chapter of the Rurouni Kenshin manga.


Kenshin and Sanosuke return to the Kamiya Dōjō with Megumi, but Kaoru is not amused of her prescence and attitude towards Kenshin. Meanwhile, a friend of Sanouske carries the Kenshingumi to a place in town where Takeda Kanryū, Shinomori Aoshi and the Kenshingumi spot at each other. How strong is Kanryū's mysterious bodyguard? Is Megumi safe now that she is with the Kenshingumi?


Himura Kenshin and Sagara Sanosuke come back to the Kamiya Dōjō along with the young woman, Takani Megumi, who they saved at the gambling hall. In order to hide the truth about the opium affair from Kaoru, Sanosuke makes up a story about Megumi being the payment of some guy who lost his possessions gambling. Kenshin goes along with the story, and after beating the daylights out of Kenshin, Kaoru tells Megumi that she is free to leave, yet, the foxy woman declines the kind offer. The young woman disapproves, not only of the rurouni receiving a girl as payment, but also of the girl in question, especially when she starts flirting with Kenshin.

Megumi begins to anger Kaoru, and in a bitter rage, she ends up kicking everyone but herself out of the Dōjō's doors and onto the streets. Sanosuke then tries to make Megumi speak of the opium, but in vain. One of Sanosuke's friends named Shū comes running to the Dōjō, telling the fighter to come with him. Sano, Kenshin and Megumi all go, arriving at a ghastly scene nearby a bridge in town: Kanryū's men have been disposed of, their corpses laying in the street for all to see.

Within the large group of sight-seeing people, Kenshin spots Takeda Kanryū and his employees, the group of ninjas that are after Megumi. That ninja group, the Oniwabanshū, then spots Kenshin as well. Kanryū comments that it is refreshing to dispose of the trash (his men who couldn't accomplish what he ordered them to do). Then, as Kenshin and Sanosuke are trying to decipher who is the tall, handsome man dawned in a white trenchcoat standing next to Kanryū, Megumi informs them that he is the okashira (boss) of the Oniwabanshū. This makes Kenshin say that they are up against a crooked industrialist and an infamous ninja group, and that they cannot abandon Megumi now.


Chapter Notes[]

This chapter has several differences with other portrayals of the events of the story in different iterations of the franchise:

Differences with the 1996 anime[]

  • In the manga Kaoru beats up Kenshin because she believes he won Megumi as a gambling prize (a result of Sano's suggestion to keep the truth from her), whereas in the anime she simply beats him up after seeing Megumi flirt with him.
  • In the manga a friend of Sanosuke brings the Kenshingumi to a bridge in town where there are the corpses of some thugs that attacked them. In there, they see Takeda Kanryū and Shinomori Aoshi. All of these scenes are omitted from the anime.

Differences with Rurouni Kenshin: Origins[]

  • The events of this manga chapter are not present in the live action film, due to Megumi's backstory being heavily changed (and Aoshi not being present at all) in the movie.

Differences with Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration[]

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Differences with the 2023 anime[]

  • Most of the comedic elements portrayed by Kaoru at the Dōjō were omitted.
  • In the manga, in his first appearance (in the scene at the bridge) Aoshi's hair has a combover style (that was later slowly changed to a fringe-banged style). In the anime episode, Aoshi has the fringe-banged style already.


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