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The Oniwabanshū Strike is the seventeenth chapter of the Rurouni Kenshin manga.


Kenshin and Megumi discuss her current state and the reason behind her being targeted by Takeda Kanryū. Then Kenshin displays a plan in order to protect Megumi from any threats, but they are interrupted by some members of the Oniwabanshū who attack the Kamiya Dōjō. Are Kenshin and Sanosuke going to be able to defeat these warriors? Why is Takeda Kanryū looking so hard to capture Megumi from the Kenshingumi?


Back at the Kamiya Dōjō, Himura Kenshin and Takani Megumi, in private, talk in greater detail about the hierarchy of the Oniwabanshū and of means of protecting themselves against them and against Takeda Kanryū. Nearby, Kaoru is eavesdropping on them, which gets her berated by Sanosuke. Unbeknownst to everybody, Yahiko was also eavesdropping and manifests himself once he hears that there is trouble brewing, demanding to know why he wasn't let in on the plans by Kenshin.

The trouble in question doesn't take long to arrive, as three soldiers of the Oniwabanshū soon barge into the Dōjō's courtyard by destroying part of a wall. The first of the Oniwabanshū to strike is the imposing, bloated Hyottoko, who is opposed first by Sanosuke. The latter manages to land one punch and then suffers some burns, as Hyottoko clenches his only set of teeth together and produces a wave of fire because he has a bag of oil in his stomach which he uses to spit fire. Sanosuke is barely able to avoid being engulfed by the flames. As a result, his right leg is slightly burnt.

And so, Kenshin faces Hyottoko, spinning his blade in a 360 degrees arc to disperse his enemy's flames and render them ineffective. This impresses Megumi, who was preparing to exit the area before she saw that display of strength from the rurouni, as she thought that her new allies had no chance against the Oniwabanshū. Kaoru prevents Megumi from escaping and questions Megumi's actions, especially since Kenshin and Sanosuke are fighting for her sake.

Characters in order of Appearance[]

Chapter Notes[]

This chapter has several differences with other portrayals of the events of the story in different iterations of the franchise:

Differences with the 1996 anime[]

  • There are basically no differences between the events of this manga chapter and its anime episode adaptation.

Differences with Rurouni Kenshin: Origins[]

  • The events of this manga chapter were not adapted in the live action film due to significant changes in the plot of the movie.

Differences with Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration[]

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Differences with the 2023 anime[]

  • In the manga Hyottoko has a much more normal skin tone (although quite grey-ish). This is in comparison with the anime where Hyottoko has a dark red skin tone.
  • In the manga Kenshin shields from Hyottoko's flames by spinning his blade in a 360 degrees arc to disperse his enemy's flames. In the anime Kenshin just "cuts the flames off" to separate them.


To be added


To be added
