Brief Intermission is the one hundred seventy-first chapter of the Rurouni Kenshin manga.
Late in the evening, Kenshin decides to catch his breath after storytelling for over three hours. Tsubame goes to fetch some more tea with Megumi accompanying her, while Sanosuke joins to grab some snacks. Yahiko follows in suspicion, wondering how Sanosuke knows where the snacks are. Left behind are Kenshin and Kaoru, seated with their heads bowed down on the porch in complete silence. The story left Tsubame surprised about Kenshin being a hitokiri, and Yahiko shocked about Kenshin's early marraige in his teens to which Sano replies it natural for samurai to be treated as adults at the age of fifteen. Returning to the topic, the four focuses on Tomoe who seems to be the pivoting character behind Kenshin's story as they why she tragically fell for a man she doesn't love.
Elsewhere outside the mansion, Enishi informs Kujiranamai, Inui, and Otowa, about the upcoming fight in ten days. There are mixed reactions amongst the three. Otowa feels a bit betrayed because, if they are comrades, such a challenge should have been confirmed amongst all of them beforehand. Inui doesn't care when the fight takes place, just as long as he gets a piece of the action. As for Kujiranami, he is questionable towards why the battle isn't set for a nearer date. A smile lights upon Enishi's face as he explains they will have to fight Battousai with their full strength, so he has ordered new, custom made weapons for everyone from his organization in Shanghai, which will take at least ten days to be received. With everything sorted out, Kujiranami, Inui, and Otowa feel reassured with the same thought shared - in ten days, Battousai's head will be theirs.
As he walks through a hallway in the mansion, Enishi stops and talks to Mumyoui in the ceiling of the upcoming battle in ten days, But the mysterious figure he is doesn't care about that, but brings his concerns about what Gein is doing in the basement, as there is no ceiling for him to peak down from. Enishi promises to tell his comrade, only if he comes down and speaks with him face-to-face. Mumyoui declines such an offer and moves along before warning Enishi not to interfere when it's his turn to fight Battousai, the only man to see his face and live. With nobody around, Enishi settles down on a seat while staring out the window, as he tearfully talks to himself about having only his sister and nobody else.
With tea and snacks ready, everyone regroups around Kenshin where Sanosuke and Kaoru asks to resume his story. With a deep breath and thought, Kenshin continues his tale.