Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Battle's End is the twenty-eighth chapter of the Rurouni Kenshin manga.


The fight is interrupted when Takeda Kanryū arrives to the ballroom with his strongest weapon: A Gatling gun (brought from America) that can fire around 200 bullets per minute. Kanryū states that he will kill everyone ahd starts shooting hurting Aoshi in the legs on the process. The four Oniwabanshū (alongside Sanosuke) arrive at the place to stop Kanryū and to protect Aoshi. Now the Oniwabanshū and the Kenshingumi need to work together to stop the threat of the Gatling gun. Can the Oniwabanshū save Aoshi from Kanryū's weapon? Will both groups be able to work together at last?


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Chapter Notes[]

This chapter has several differences with other portrayals of the events of the story in different iterations of the franchise:

Differences with the 1996 anime[]

  • In the manga when Shikijō enters the ballroom and meets Kenshin while running, he openly tells Kenshin to take care of Sanosuke. In the 1996 anime, Shikijō never meets Kenshin while running, because the four Oniwabanshū were already in the ballroom when Kanryū starts shooting with the Gatling gun.
  • In the manga Han'nya's face is totally exposed (since his mask was broken in his fight against Kenshin). This is in contrast with the anime, where only a part of the mask is broken and the majority of his face is still hidden under it.
  • In the manga, when Hyottoko is attacked by Takeda Kanryū, part of his his head is blown off. Due to censorship in the anime, he is instead shot in the chest, which is strange, as the whole reason he was shot in the face was to avoid blowing up his gas bag.
  • In the manga Behsimi throws a dart at the machine in order to block it, but misses when Kanryū hits him with the machine gun bullets. This is in contrast with the anime where Beshimi actually gets the dart to clog the bullet's queue.

Differences with Rurouni Kenshin: Origins[]

  • In the manga, Takeda Kanryū interrupts Kenshin and Aoshi's fight with his Gatling Gun and kills the 4 Oniwabanshū members until he is stopped. In the live action movie Kenshin, Saitō and Sanosuke face Kanryū's Gatling Gun when they go to arrest him. The three of them fight together to subdue him. Shinomori Aoshi and the 4 Oniwabanshū members are not part of the story.

Differences with Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration[]

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Differences with the 2023 anime[]

  • In the manga when Shikijō enters the ballroom and meets Kenshin while running, he openly tells Kenshin to take care of Sanosuke. In the 2023 anime, those words are not heard, and Kenshin tells that to Sanosuke the next day.
  • The 2023 anime includes an extended scene where Kanryū brags about the strenght of the Gatling gun and how the era of the swordsmen is over. That extended scene was not in the manga.
  • The anime includes a flashback scene before Han'nya dies where the four Tokyo Oniwabanshū train with a younger Aoshi. That scene was not present in the manga.


  • The narrator states a true historical fact: The Gatling gun was developed by American inventor Dr. Richard J. Gatling in 1861, and it had particular success during the American Civil War. The Gatling Gun made its way to Japan and was used with devastating effectiveness by the Bakufu against the Ishin Shishi during the Boshin War.
  • The first page was originally released in color.


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