Sapporo Shinsengumi Elegy Pt. 7: The Apple Orchard and Jurou Abe (札幌新撰組エレジー Pt。 7:アップルオーチャードと阿部十郎 Sapporo shinsenkumi erejī Pt. 7: Appuruōchādo to abe jūrō) is the forty-second chapter of the Rurouni Kenshin: The Hokkaido Arc manga.
As Eiji runs to Saito and Shinpachi's location, he notices that Abe is watching the battle from the clock tower, and head to Abe's locaiton.
At Futatsu's location, Shinpachi and Saito confront Futatsu and comment about how Futatsu reminds them of Takeo. Futatsu mentions how the true value of a man is when they die, and how Saito and Shinpachi were once the wolves of Mibu and are now just dogs of the Meiji government. Futatsu wonders how the two will die and starts to swing his swords. Saito mentions how Futatsu and Takeo are nothing alike, and Shinpachi mentions how it took three of them to kill Takeo and that he would not be surprised if he was here.
As Futatsu uses his Crimson Wool: Ruthless Crested Sphere technique, the soldiers wonder if Futatsu's swords are for defense and that they can't attack now. Shinpachi tells the soldiers to get back, which the soldiers are confused with his statement. Suddenly Futatsu launches himself forward, which Soldiers quickly retreat. As Futatsu attacks Saito and Shinpachi, the two manages to dodge Futatsu's attack. Futatsu notices what the two are capable of, and comments the two are strong and nothing like the unit that Yamagata sent. Futatsu says that they should make Sapporo rain blood, and how he will drag Yamagata away after he deals with Saito and Shinpachi.
Shinpachi tells Saito that he will stop Futatsu's movements, which Saito replies that he will use the Gatotsu's fourth style. As Saito prepares to strike, Shinpachi goes to attack. Shinpachi mentions that no matter how freakish technique Futatsu uses, he will come for Futatsu's empty torso. Shinpachi uses his sword to stop Futatsu's swords and takes away Futatsu's center of gravity, which Saito takes this chance to strike with his Gatotsu's fourth style. As the soldiers wonder what happened, Smith manages to witness it and thinks about how Saito's technique worked.
As blood spurts from Futatsu's head, the soldiers are glad to see this but are shocked when Futatsu continues to attack. Saito and Shinpachi manage to dodge Futatsu's attack, which Shinpachi mentions how it's been a long time since he seen such a strong dual-wielding swordsman in action, but Futatsu is just to much. Shinpachi also mentions where the vitals on the human head are, which Saito comments about how he will cut down Futatsu no matter how many times it takes. Saito attacks but Futatsu manages to break Saito's sword, which it is explained that even through the Gatotsu's fourth style is the weakest attack, but the sword provided by the government can't even withstand a single blow from the attack.
As Eiji reaches the clock tower, Eiji only finds a telescope and wonders where Abe had run off to now. Eiji then wonders if Abe had headed over to where the fight is at.
At the fight, Futatsu proclaims himself as the god of death and that they can't kill a being that controls death. As everyone is shocked by this, Abe suddenly appears behind Futatsu and fires a shot. Futatsu asks what Abe is doing and starts attacking Abe. Abe dodges Futatsu's swords and continues to fire his gun while also counting his bullets. The soldiers are surprised that Abe can fight with Futatsu with a revolver at such close range. Saito remembers that Abe was in the artillery department in the Shinsengumi, which Shinpachi mentions how Abe is amazing and mentions how he had no idea he was this strong. Abe hears this and thinks about how if he was this strong back then, then he wouldn't have been defeated by the Shinsengumi.
Abe remembers when he was denied the opportunity to take a shot at Kondou, since he was not as good as Tomiyama. Years later, after the assassination of Kondou failed, Abe is training in an orchard, in the art of the bullet, and manages to figures out what the strongest shot is. While training, Abe thinks about how its time for him to be the strongest.
Back at the fight, Futatsu uses his Ironblue Curtain: Crested Square technique, but Abe manages to land a shot in Futatsu's shoulder. Abe tells Futatsu that being the god of death doesn't make him immortal. Abe proclaims to Saito and Shinpachi that he will kill Futatsu, that the Shinsengumi could not kill. Abe also proclaims that the Goryo-Eiji will be victorious in the nothern captial of the Meiji Era, and that the Shinsengumi will be exposed in defeat.
Chapter Notes[]
- Saito and Shinpachi start their fight with Futatsu.
- Saito reveals that the Gatotsu has a fourth form.
- Abe steps in and starts to fight with Futatsu, with a revolver.
- Saito comments about how Abe's position in the Shinsengumi, was in the artillery department.
- Abe thinks back to when Kondo was shot by Tomiyama, and how he was not chosen to take the shot.
- Abe also remembers his training in the orchard, and how he learned the art of the bullet.
- Abe manages to land a shot on Futatsu, and proclaims that the Goryo-Eji will be victorious.