Eve of Convergence (
Yahiko remember what Tsubame said about his dream, which Yahiko thinks about how Tsubame is right and charges. Kanryu gets frightened at Yahiko, and manages to land a blow on Yahiko before Yahiko can land a blow. Kanryu says that Yahiko has scared him and kicks Yahiko. Kanryu says that Yahiko is dead, and starts to hit Yahiko some more. Yahiko thinks about how he has a dream but has done nothing to achieve it. Yahiko remembers Kaoru wanting him to study sword, which Yahiko stands his ground. Kanryu comments about how tough Yahiko is, which Yahiko thinks about how Kaoru will lose the Dojo while Tsubame will lose her life, if he loses. Yahiko thinks about Kenshin and says that he will defeat Kanryu. Kanryu tells Yahiko to give up and bow down to him. Kanryu tells Yahiko to bow down to money and goes to attack, but Yahiko manages to land a blow on Kanryu's hands. As Kanryu worries about the money that he dropped, Yahiko says that he is gonna be a strong swordsman and lands a blow on Kanryu's face.
Outside the Dojo, Inui continues to his assault and asks how Sano likes it. Inui finishes his assault, but notices that Sano is battle-tested for sure since he won't go down after all those hits. Inui is that its futile and that Sano has no chance against his Muteki Tekko. As Inui goes to attack, Sano says that he found it. Sano lands a blow on Inui's hand, which Inui says that Sano doesn't learn and tells him to keep trying. Sano lands another blow, which Inui notices that Sano attacked with his left hand. Sano then attacks with his Futae no Kiwami Tsurane Uchi, which Inui notices that Sano stuffed the impact of Futae no Kiwami inside the armor and forced his arm to crack. Sano says that it wasn't quite Ichigeki Hikkai, but there is no Zettai Fuwa either. Sano says that their is a contradiction here, and that they should find out what the truth is. Inui figures what would happen if he takes that in an unprotected area of his body, and figures out what to do. Inui covers himself in liquid mercury and says how about this his Zenshin Tekko. Inui says that its the start of act two and tells Sano to c'mon, but Sano doesn't move. Inui asks what's the matter and if Sano doesn't move then he will. Inui notices that he can't move, which Sano calls Inui stupid and knocks him over.
Sano manages to recover the documents, and heads over to check on Yahiko. Sano comments about how Yahiko was able to handle things on his own, and says that Yahiko did a good job. As Yahiko pulls something out, Sano asks what it is. Yahiko says that its the deal and advance payment that he took from Kanryu and places to hand it over to the police. Kanryu says that that is a breach of contract and tells him to give it back, which Yahiko says that he pays to hand the money back and slams it on Kanryu's face. Yahiko says that he doesn't want Kanryu's dirty money, which Sano compliments him. Sano says that he has no qualms taking it as fight money, which shocks Yahiko and Kanryu. Sano explains that he is cheap when it comes to selling a fight, but expensive if others wanna buy one from him. Kanryu calls Sano a scoundrel, which Sano says that Kanryu is right. Sano explains that there is evil in this world that can only be conquered with evil and good that only becomes apparent in the face of evil, and he is fine with being that evil. Sano then says that they should clean this place up before Kenshin and Kaoru gets back. Yahiko wonders if Kenshin is all right and if they should go help since they were chased by Gein, which Sano says that won't be necessary since Gein might be pretty strong but Kenshin is a swordsman who survived the Bakumatsu. Sano also says that guys like Kenshin are special.
At the shrine, Saito fights against Gein's threads which Gein says that Saito is too dull and too slow. Gein uses his Bakusatsu Saikoshi: Karanui technique to bid Saito into place. Gein explains that his pattern for victory is not about using speed to directly kill his opponents, but rather he uses speed to retrain their movements. Gein also explains to counter his pattern, his opponent must possess equal to or greater speed then he does. Gein says that Saito is not capable of testing his skills, and explains that he could not use his skills in Kyoto during the Bakumetsu. Gein says that he will not let his skills to rot in this time of peace. Saito says that the boshin war continued on for a year in other places, and Gein could have left the Oniwabanshu if he wanted to fight since he was not the leader. Gein tells Saito to not be foolish, and says that he is not dumb enough to fight a losing battle. Gein says that the shinsengumi was once known as the wolves of mibu, but now Saito is just a dog of the authorities. Geim also says that Saito knows too well how miserable it is being the loser, and tells Saito to die like a dog with a chain around its neck. Saito calls Gein a fool, and says that losers are not loser because they've lost but because they fought and lost, and they're called losers by those who've never fought. As Saito takes a stance, Gein wonders if Saito is trying to force his way out of his Karanui technique. As Saito breaks through Gein's threads, Gein backs away and thinks about how Saito is readying himself to use his ultimate technique. Saito says that a man doesn't fight, he can't even be a loser and strikes Gein with his Gatotsu technique. As Gein is defeated, Gein says that he took Saito lightly and comments about Saito's skill. Gein says that the Gatotsu was brilliant and that he would be dead if it wasn't for his reaction speed. Saito wonders what Gein is talking about since Gein has done his homework. Gein says that his research was perfect, and explains that the Gatotsu is a thrust that is preformed with the users left arm. Saito says that the Gatotsu is only preformed with left arm, which Gein notices that Saito is holding his sword with his right hand. Saito says that he needed to apprehend Gein as a witness and that his Aku-Soku-Zan will have to wait. Saito tells Gein that he is lucky that he is a dog of the authorities and not a wolf of Mibu, which Gein is shocked by this.
Elsewhere, Udo says that their is only one more left and that only one can live.