Sacrifice (
Megumi tells the officers to start sending patients who've already received first aid to her clinic, while the chief tells an officer to take those that can walk to the station for questioning. Megumi says that should do it for now, which the chief thanks her for her work. Megumi explains that its her job to treat anybody wounded in dojos in this area, and that the only this left is to see whether the Kenkaku who called here can save whoever wrote that note. Megumi and the Chief look at the note, that says that Udo will be waiting north of Tanashi Village with Kaoru.
As Udo waiting in a field, Kenshin shows up and asks where Kaoru is. Udo notices that he doesn't see Kenshin but can hear him. Udo also notices Kenshin's presence but don't even see a shadow, and says that Kenshin truly is a hitokiri and that he like it. Kenshin asks where Kaoru is, which Udo points to Kaoru and says that she is just unconscious and not dead. Udo does says that Kaoru is bleeding, and if Kenshin doesn't stop it soon then it will be too late. Suddenly Udo feels Kenshin presence and comments about how Kenshin presence has swelled so rapidly. Udo thinks about how menacing Kenshin's presence is but thanks to that, he now knows exactly where Kenshin is at.
Udo charges at Kenshin, which attacks Udo's head with his Ryushosen technique. Kenshin asks why Udo targeted Kaoru, which Udo says that Kenshin doesn't have to ask since he know why. Kenshin asks if its because of what he did to his hands, which Udo says that Kenshin doesn't really know why. Udo says that he doesn't have the slightest grudge against Kenshin, and explains that everything about the bakumatsu was a joy for him. Udo says that enjoyed that those turbulent era since it was such a simple and pure era. Udo then says that the time changed to the peaceful Meiji Era, and he resisted it for ten years but its appears time can't be reversed. Udo expresses that he can not have those turbulent time again and tells Kenshin to give it to him, but says that he refused. Kenshin quickly gets behind Udo and attacks with his Ryukansen technique, then uses his Trumuji Kogarashi Arashi technique to break Udo's left arm. Kenshin jump into the air and uses his Ryutsuisen technique to break Udo's right arm.
Kenshin tells Udo that he will never swing a sword again since he just broke broke of his arms. Udo expresses that this is the sensation that he was talking about, the pain, as if life and death are battling each other, and says that he like it. Udo notices that his arms are moving differently, and expresses that this is great since its as if he has another joint in his arms. Kenshin sees this and thinks about how this hasn't affected him. Udo thanks Kenshin for giving him another amusing scar, which Kenshin figures that Udo's mind has completely overtaken his body. As Kenshin dodges Udo's attacks, Udo expresses that they should finish this. Kenshin attacks with his Tensho Ryusen technique, but Udo stab hand into Kenshin's sword and disarms Kenshin. Udo says that its laughable that this is what Kenshin thinks that fast is, asks Kenshin just who does he think he is and slashes Kenshin with both his swords.
Udo tells Kenshin that he should know better that a Sakabato can't generate enough speed while unsheathing it. Udo express that Kenshin can't unleash the full body and soul of the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu with a Sakabato and unwilling to take a life. Udo says that Kenshin may cut through flesh and bone with his sword, but not him and nor will Kenshin save Kaoru. Udo then says that the blood of a hostage was not enough to stir Kenshin, which Kenshin tells him not to do it. Udo picks up Kaoru, and says that regret for taking lives and the remorse for those he has killed has lead to hesitation, which dulls the sword of a hitokiri. Kenshin tells him to stop, which Udo tells Kenshin to wash away that hesitation with the blood of this sacrifice. Kenshin yells out no, when Udo stab Kaoru with his sword.