Elder is a doctor treating patients in Yokohama, while visiting Japan.

Doctor Peaberry while masked.
Dr. Peaberry Elder is a short woman with wavy dark colored hair, thin eyebrows, and not much of a figure (Her own admission).
She wears a tall Black top hat, a mask, white button down shirt, black pants, black elevated shoes, and a black trench coat.
Dr. Peaberry Elder is a caring person, who will go above and beyond the call of a normal doctor while not asking anything in return. Since she knows that female doctors are rarely trusted, she changes her appearance to be more accepting.
- Asahiyama Dankichi: She has treated Dankichi for a broken leg in the past, and even hired him to transport her.
- Himura Kenshin: Kenshin had helped her out and she is also the first foreign friend he made outside of Japan during his travels.
Dr. Peaberry Elder is a skilled doctor.
In the past, Dr. Peaberry Elder had helped to heal Dankichi's broken leg and afterwards even hired him so that he can earn some money.
She is brought to a woman who has collapsed by Dankichi. Elder looks at the woman and tells Dankichi to take her to the hotel she is staying at so that she can prepare a prescription for her, which Dankichi agrees to but stops. Ishizu shows up with his thugs, and tells Dr. Elder that he can't let her practice medicine without his permission. As she wonder if Ishizu will bring harm to her, which Ishizu replies that he will have his thugs attack her patient. After Kenshin deals with the thugs, Kenshin takes Dr. Elder back to her hotel.
At the hotel, the Elder takes care of the woman and books her a room to rest in. After dealing with the patient, Dr. Elder thanks Dankichi for his help. As Kenshin prepares to leave, she offers him a place to stay as a thank you for his help earlier. The two head inside, which Kenshin notices that the Elder is shorter but she replies that he is imagining things. Dr. Elder then heads into another room, to go change. As Kenshin enters the room to deliver a message, he finds out that Dr. Elder is a woman. Kenshin apologizes and leaves the room, which she tries to convince him that it was his imagination but apologizes for lying. Kenshin comes back in, which Dr. Elder explains why she has changed her appearance. As Kenshin apologizes after hearing this, which also Dr. Elder thinks about how the people comment about her mysterious appearance but tells Kenshin that its okay since she is the one that chose this life. Kenshin decides to leave, and tells her that a lot of people have faith in her for what she had done.
Later, Dankichi comes to pick up Dr. Elder for an emergency at a specific time. As they are traveling, both of them comment about how this is odd. Suddenly the two are attack by Espiral, which Espiral grabs Dr. Elder to find out where the location of Kenshin is. After Kenshin agrees to duel him, Espiral lets Dr. Elder go. After Espiral is defeated and Ishizu tries to release the smallpox virus, she stops him by catching the container that it is in.
Later, Kenshin informs Dr. Elder what had happened to Ishizu and Espiral. Dr. Elder then reveals that she is leaving Japan since she has patients waiting for her in America. Dr. Elder comments about how she is glad that Kenshin is seeing her off since it makes her feel better that he will be here to greet her the next time she comes. Kenshin says that its not just him and point to show her that there will be others waiting for her return. Dr. Elder is glad to see this and thanks them while revealing that she is a woman. As Kenshin tells her to take care and to please help the hurt and sick, which Dr. Elder says that she will and also will do her best so that everyone can have a healthy life. Dr. Elder then comments about Kenshin's scar and that it might help if he leaves for a new environment might help heal it, which Kenshin declines since it is connected to a past that he choose and that the least he can do is protect as many people as possible with his sword. She also tells Kenshin that he must settle in one place and rest his body and mind, if he wants to heal. Dr. Elder then boards the ship heading to America and leaves.
- Nobuhiro Watsuki revealed that Elder Peaberry is a distant relative of Hildegard Peaberry from the Embalming: The Another Tale of Frankenstein - manga.