The Burning Island of Terror, The End of the Crimson Pirates! (燃え上がる戦慄の島! 真紅の海賊·完結編 Moeagaru Senritsu no Shima! Shinku no Kaizoku - Kanketsuhen ) is the 27th episode of the Rurouni Kenshin 1996 anime.
With Kairyu's mutiny and their joining forces with Senbonya Yohei's opium trade, they have turned from once fearsome pirates for the sake of providing for themselves, to lowly criminals and cartel pushers. At the dawn of the next day that arises, one thing can only be certain- The island of the Kairyu will burn as bright as the sunset! Is Shura going to be able to recover her position as the pirates' leader? What will be the fate of the Kenshingumi on this island of devils?
Kenshin taking care of a wounded Shura
Kenshin swims to a nearby cave. Seeing the wound in Shura's leg is severe, he hopes to get the bullet out immediately. To his favor, Sarujiro, who fled from the rest of the rebellious Kairyu, sheds some light with a torch and leads Kenshin deeper in, eventually bringing him to a place where he can rest Shura. Quickly, Kenshin carries out the operation and succeeds in removing the bullet, but he asks Sarujiro if there is some new clothes Shura can change into before she catches a cold in the soaking wet attire she has on. The only thing Sarujiro can find is a kimono kept inside a chest, so they leave it for Shura to change into when she comes to.
Shura's father worried about her future with the pirates
Shura wakes up and sees the kimono at her side, but the knife Kenshin used to remove the bullet from her leg as well. She takes the knife and sticks it against her throat. Before committing the act of suicide, however, Kenshin grabs her arm, preventing her from doing so. Shura believes that she has failed as leader of the Kairyu and should die for it. It takes some moving words from Kenshin about how there are still those who have their faith in her to finally clam Shura down. Kenshin and Sarujiro leave the room so that Shura can change into her kimono. Just by looking at it, Shura remembers the past, back to when her father revealed the true goals he wanted to obtain, and that was to life a normal seafaring life. He also presented his daughter with her mother's kimono, the same one Kenshin left for her to change into, and told her that she should wear the day when she falls in love with someone. At the time, Shura never believed in such a thing, but after putting it on in the present time, thoughts of the rurouni that saved her life run through her head.
Sarujiro helping Iwazō to stand
After some exploring, Sarujiro finds a bundle of weapons in the Kairyu warehouse. His presence is almost noticed when a few of the pirates dump old man Iwazō into the room. They had drugged him with opium, as he was one of the only men not to make note that Ginjō was the new leader of the Kairyu. Sarujiro brings Iwazō to Shura, where the old man tells the true leader of the pirates that Ginjō had forced Senbonya to ally with him. The powerful opium manufactured by Senbonya begins to take its toll on the old man, so they escort him to an area where a getaway boat is placed in hopes of getting him to a doctor as soon as possible. Kenshin just so happens to be there as well. Sarujiro escorts Iwazō across the bridge to the side where Kenshin is, but to their surprise, once across, Shura cuts the ropes that bind the bridge. She returns the rurouni his Sakabatō, saying that she will deal with Ginjō personally.
A confident Ginjō fighting against Shura
A celebration is being held not too far away for Ginjō. The celebration is interrupted before things get really festive when Shura enters the area to encounter the traitor himself. Shura states her final goal as leader of the Kairyu, and that is it will be dismantled by her own hands. Ginjō takes his ax and meets with Shura and her sole nunchaku. The bigger man takes his swipes, but is beaten down. Just when it looks like Shura has come out on top, Ginjō uses a hidden knife to stab his former leader right in her previous injury. Talks of throwing Shura in the bonfire arise, but Kenshin shows up. He takes out all who stand in his way, then knocks Ginjō out with a Ryū Tsui Sen. Fearing defeat, Gekki takes one of Senbonya's bombs and lights it. Senbonya warns the gruesome pirate that he can blow up the entire area with that one bomb, but Gekki throws it anyway, causing a massive forest fire. All of the Kairyu scatter, and Kenshin once again saves Shura by carrying her out of the blazes. Upon exiting from the flames, Kenshin meets up with Kaoru, Yahiko, and Sanosuke, who were blown out of the ship they had snuck onto, and were waiting nearby after hearing the noises of the party.
Sarujiro and Iwazō saying farewell to the Kenshingumi
The getaway boat is used to escape Kairyu Island. The only thing salvaged from the island was Shura's mother's kimono. Shura, Sarujiro, and Iwazō let Kenshin and the others off at their stop. There, Shura tells Kenshin that she will try to make her father's dream become a reality, and that the next time they meet, whenever it is, they will meet as friends. Kenshin says he looks forward to that day, then says good-bye to the three along with his friends as they set off into the sunset.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Shura
- Ginjō
- Gekki
- Himura Kenshin
- Sarujiro
- Myōjin Yahiko
- Kamiya Kaoru
- Sagara Sanosuke
- Iwazō
- Senbonya Yohei
- This is an anime original (filler) episode, and the conclusion of the Kairyu story.