Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Espiral is an assassin that was hired by Ishizu Deian.


Espiral is a tall man with black hair, no eyebrows, and white eyes with no pupils. Espiral wears a black button down shirt, a dark collared tie, black pants, black shoes, a white trench coat, and black gloves that extends almost to his shoulder.


Espiral has no qualms about killing others and is willing to physically threaten others to get what he wants. Espiral has a desire to face off against the legendary samurai of Japan, Hitokiri Battōsai. When Espiral comes across Kenshin, Espiral challenges him to that they can determine which one of them is the better killer. When Kenshin comments about how he has shed the name of Battōsai, Espiral finds it ridiculous since the sword of the samurai is their soul and the soul will always remain the same.


  • Broker: The broker is the one that accepts Espiral's clients.
  • Ishizu Deian: Ishizu is a client of Espiral, who hired him to kill the Elder.
  • Kenshin Himura: Espiral has heard of Kenshin and desires to duel him, to see which of them is the better killer.


Espiral is a trained assassin that uses the Destornillador Saber technique to kill others. He wields a special saber that is shaped like a screw. The saber has trained to improved to better take lives. Espiral has trained his right arm to its limit, and is able to lift a rickshaw and two people off of the ground.


Espiral comes from a long line of assassins stretching back to the middle ages.


Espiral demonstrated his skills in front of Ishizu and his broker. As Ishizu describes the Elder's bodyguard, Espiral comments about how he heard of a samurai with a cross-shaped scar. As Ishizu says that he can pay Espiral price, the broker tells Espiral that it's time to go to work.

Later Espiral waits for the Elder and Dankichi in the middle of the road, and destroys the rickshaw with his Tormenta Infierno technique. Espiral then grabs the Elder's neck and asks where the samurai is. When Kenshin shows up, Espiral is glad to see him. Espiral comments about how he had heard about the samurai, and explains that he came to this island to fight one. Espiral says that he is manages to find the legendary Hitokiri Battōsai. As Kenshin says that he shed that name ten years ago, which Espiral tells his don't be ridiculous. Espiral says that Kenshin may have shed the name, but not the sword. Espiral explains that he knows the sword is a samurai's soul, and that his soul remains unchanged.

Espiral says that Kenshin is a man who kill like him, and tells Kenshin to unsheathe his soul or he will kill the Elder. Kenshin says that he will fight him, which lets go of the Elder and prepares to fight. Espiral uses his fastest and ultimate technique, Tempestar Infierno, but Kenshin avoid the technique and attacks with his Ryū Tsui Sen (Dragon Hammer Flash) technique. As Espiral is worried that he has been sliced in two, which Kenshin tells him to look at his sword. Espiral notices that it's a Sakabatō, which Kenshin explains that his style will take lives unless it is used with a sword that is designed to not take lives. Espiral is relieved and falls to the ground.

Later Espiral and the Broker are arrested and will be punished in their respective countries.


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