Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Gein is one of the men that were hired by Kanryu.


Gein has long wavy light colored hair, and thin black eyebrows.

Gein wears black shitage under a dark colored Kosode, black Hakama, black shoes, and a black hood with skull image on it. Gein wears special black gloves that allow him to produce thread from its fingertips.


Gein has no problem with killing people or seeing them killed, and even offers to do it for the heck of it. Gein also wishes to test his skills against strong opponent's so that they don't rot away.


  • Takeda Kanryu: Kanryu has hired Gein for the purpose of killing Kenshin.


Gein fighting style is known as Bakusatsu Saikoshi, which Gein uses a pair of special gloves that allows him to produce thread from the gloves fingertips. Gein main strategy for victory is to use his speed, to restrain his opponent's movements and finish them off with a retractable blade.



Gein was hired by Kanryu, along with others, to kill Kenshin. As they draw lots, Gein gets the number 13 and says that he likes the number. The next day, Udo scare most of the others away after kill some of them, but Gein decides to stay. Kanryu finds out what happened and asks why he stayed, which Gein tells him that this isn't enough to scare him off and he could even bring Kanryu two or three more skewers of he'd like.

Days later, Gein finds out that Yahiko has been eating at the Akabeko multiple times a week and informs Kanryu about it. As Kanryu goes to meet with Yahiko at Akabeko one day, Gein waits outside with Inui. After the meeting is finished, Gein leaves with Kanryu and Inui.

A week later, Gein goes to the Kamiya Dojo with Kanryu and Inui to receive that documents for the dojo. Gein waits outside until Kanryu takes to long and the two enter the Dojo. As Inui comments about the reason they were brought, which Gein says that they are far from town and that they can easily cover up anything they do. Gein tosses a wound child to Kenshin, and says that the child was trying to seeking refuge here, so he grabbed him and also says that the child was already wounded when he got here. As Kenshin leaves, Gein follows after him.

As Gein follows Kenshin over the roof tops, Gein thinks about the route that Kenshin is taking and how he will not be able to catch up to Kenshin. Gein comments about how he sees that Kenshin is the legendary Hitokiri, and that Kenshin is the perfect subject to show his skills on. Gein attack with his thread but Kenshin counters, and the two arrive at a shrine. Suddenly Saito shows up, which Kenshin leaves Saito to deal with Gein. Gein reveals that he knows all about Saito and reveals that he look into everybody Kanryu has gathered, which Saito counter by saying that he know about Gein too. Gein says that Saito is below Kenshin and that he will take Saito out with his abilities, then introduces himself to Saito.

As Gein fights with Saito, Gein comments about how Saito is slow and dull. Gein binds Saito with his Karanui technique, and explains that he pattern for victory is to use speed to restrain his opponent's movements. As Saito is bound, Gein explains how was not able to test is skills during the bakumatsu and does want his skills to rot. Saito says that Gein could have fought in the war since it continued after the castle was surrendered, which Gein replies that he is not dumb enough to fight a losing battle. As Gein goes to kills Saito, Saito breaks free from Gein's binding. As Gein back away, he thinks about how Saito is preparing to use his ultimate technique. Saito then uses his Gatotsu technique to defeat Gein. As Gein is wounded, he comments about Saito's Gatotsu but realizes that Saito is using his sword with his right hand. Afterwards Gein, along with the others, are arrested.


