Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Hiko Seijūrō XII ( () () (せい) (じゅう) (ろう) (じゅう) () (だい) Hiko Seijūrō Jūnidai?) was the 12th successor of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū and the predecessor to Himura Kenshin's own master, Hiko Seijūrō XIII.


It is unknown what Hiko Seijuro XII looked like, but he did wear the tradition cloak of the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu, which is the same cloak that his successor wears.


Hiko Seijuro XII follows the tradition of the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu, and had his students fight him to the death, to become the next master of the Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu.


  • Hiko Seijuro XIII: Hiko Seijuro XIII was a student of the twelfth.
  • Nishida Hyoei: Hyoei was a student of the twelfth but failed to defeat his master.
  • Hiko Seijuro XI: Hiko Seijuro XII was a student of the eleventh.


Hiko Seijuro XII was a master of the Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū.

Immense Speed.

Immense Endurance.

Immense Strength.

Maintained his abilities through old age.


Kyoto Arc[]

Not much is known about him other than the fact that he met his end when his student mastered Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū's final technique, Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki, and in doing so, killed him (a tradition of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū between teacher and student).

Shimabara Arc[]

In the anime, however, he is said to have had another student before Hiko Seijūrō XIII, namely Nishida Hyōei, who failed to master Amakakeru Ryū no Hirameki and was left fatally wounded as a result (though he later recovered). Although, he is never shown in the manga, a brief appearance in the anime reveals a striking resemblance, in figure, to his student, Hiko Seijūrō XIII.


Since Hiko Seijūrō XIII finished his training so many years after Nishida Hyoei failed against his master, Hiko Seijūrō XII was probably really old (around 79 years old but it depends on several unknown numbers such as Nishida's age, when Hiko XIII became a master etc.) when Hiko Seijūrō XIII killed him. A Hiko Seijūrō XII in his prime would probably be superior to Hiko Seijūrō XIII just like he is to Kenshin.


