Inui Banjin is one of the people that Kanryu had hired to kill Kenshin.
Inui is a large muscular man, black dreads, large sideburns, and marks around his eyes.
Inui wears a camo headband, sleeveless camo shitagi, camo pants, black sandals, bandages around his hands and legs, and a black belt with pouches with liquid mercury in them.
Inui is arrogant individual, and believes that his fist are absolutely indestructible. Inui is also stupid, as he tried to make his entire body indestructible by covering it with mercury but didn't realize that he won't be able to move when the mercury hardened.
- Takeda Kanryu: Kanryu has hired Inui as one of the people to kill Kenshin.
Inui is a fist fighter that is capable of breaking down a wall with his fists. Inui uses liquid mercury to coat his hands with, to create what he calls an indestructible armor.
- Muteki Tekko (Indestructible Iron Armor): Inui coats his hand(s) in liquid mercury, which allows him to counter fists, blades, and bullets. The mercury can also throw off the timing of the force, of the Futae no Kiwami. When the mercury hardens, it makes things easier for Inui to smash stuff.
- Zenshin Tekko (Full-Body Armor): Inui coats his entire body with liquid mercury to protect himself, but doesn't realize that he is unable to move with the mercury hardens.
Inui was one of the people hired by Kanryu to kill Kenshin. As they are drawing lots, Inui pulls the eighteen lot and gets frustrated that he is going last.
The next day, Udo starts to kill the other participates which cause most of them to run away but not Inui. Kanryu finds out what happened and asks why he didn't leave, which Inui laughs and says that he will kill Udo if Kanryu wants.
Days later, Inui waits with Gein outside the Akabeko while Kanryu makes a deal inside. After Kanryu is finished, Inui leave along with Gein and Kanryu.
A week later, Inui, Gein, and Kanryu heads to the Kamiya Dojo to obtain the documents. As Kanryu is taking to long, Inui breaks down a wall and comments about how why they brought them with him. As Kenshin leaves, Inui takes this chance to attack Sano but Sano blocks the attack. Inui says that they have a contradiction since Sano's fist are one strike certain destruction, while his are absolutely indestructible. Inui says that they should find out which is stronger, and dips his hand in liquid mercury. Inui takes a stance and introduces himself.
Inui and Sano clash, which Sano notices that can't pull of the Futae no Kiwami. Inui explains that indestructible armor is made from mercury and that nothing can destroy this soft metal. Inui dips his other hand into liquid mercury, and comments about how it suck that he can't use his hands when the mercury hardens but its perfect for smashin things. Inui then assaults Sano with multiple punches. As Inui finishes punching Sano, he notices that Sano is not going down and says that Sano has no chance against his Muteki Tekko. As Sano manages to crack Inui bones and says that they should find out if Inui's armor is indestructible, which Inui figures that he he would be in trouble if he took a hit in an unprotected area of his body. Inui decides to cover his entire body with mercury but notices that he can't move when he tries to fight. Sano then calls Inui stupid and knocks him over. After everything is over, Inui is arrested with the rest.