Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Kamiya Kaoru is the young proprietor of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryū kenjutsu dojo.


Kaoru is slender young woman with long black hair that is tied in a ponytail with a ribbon.

Kaoru wears a light colored kimono with cherry blossom pedals on her left shoulder, and at the end of her sleeves. She also wears a vertical line Obi, white Tabi, and black platform sandals. While fighting, Kaoru wears a dark colored hakama and no sandals.


Kaoru is a determined and strong-willed individual. Kaoru is also a kind and caring person, as she worries about Yahiko and Kenshin well-being. Kaoru understands that their are things in people's past that they don't want to talk about, but all that matters is how they live in the present and how they move forward toward the future.


  • Himura Kenshin: Kenshin has saved Kaoru from being killed by Kanryu. Kaoru cares for Kenshin and worries about the expression that Kenshin makes from time to time.
  • Myojin Yahiko: Kaoru cares about Yahiko and even wants him to achieve his dream of being a swordsman, by joining the dojo as a student.
  • Sagara Sanosuke: Kaoru and Sano have friction with each other, but Sano is able to talk to her.


Kaoru is a skilled swordsman and a master of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu Style.



Kaoru is waiting in the arena of the sword-fighting performance that is put on by Kanryu, when Kenshin enters the arena. As the crowd cheers for Kaoru to take it off, Kenshin comments about how popular Kaoru is which Kaoru thanks him she guesses. Kaoru then points her sword at Kenshin and proclaims that she won't lose to anyone Kanryu pits against her, even if Kenshin claims himself to be Battosai, since he it protecting her dojo. As the match begins, Kaoru easily manages to land a blow on Kenshin's head but apologizes to him when Kenshin falls to the ground. Kaoru asks why Kenshin didn't fight, which Kenshin tells her that there is no reason to fight. As Kaoru is declared the winner, the crowd is outranged until Kanryu calms them down. Kanryu then shows everyone the real battosai, and comments about how it was wise of Kaoru to recruit a weak impostor to earn an easy victory and that he can appreciate her ways. As Kaoru tries to argue, but Kenshin steps in the takes the blame. Kanryu says that a victory is a victory and that their is only one match remains on their promise.

Later Kaoru brings Kenshin to her family dojo to treat the bump on his head. While Kaoru is treating him, Kaoru tells him about the swordsmanship that her father created and how she is the only one here now. Kaoru also talks about how Kanryu brought the land that the dojo is on, and told her that she can pay twice the rent or purchase the rights from him in a single payment. Since she couldn't afford either, Kanryu proposes that Kaoru can obtain the land by earn ten victories in the performances he host. Kaoru proclaims that she only needs one more victory, which Yahiko says that that won't happen since Kanryu will stop her from winning because she is his cash cow. Kaoru and Kenshin notice that Yahiko is wounded, which Kaoru starts to apply ointment on Yahiko. As she is applying ointment, Kaoru says Yahiko can't keep working for Kanryu but Yahiko says that Kaoru doesn't know anything of him or his past. Kaoru says that Yahiko is right, since she is not nosy. Kaoru explains that their are things in the past that people don't want to talk about, but what is important is how they living in the present and how they move forward towards the future. Yahiko tells Kaoru to might her own business and says that she is going to bed, which Kaoru tell him to go to the bathroom first. Kenshin asks about Yahiko, which Kaoru explains that Yahiko is a reverse hostage and that if she doesn't anything strange then Yahiko will be beat instead of her. As Kenshin lives, Kaoru thanks him for protecting her and Yahiko earlier.

The next day, Kaoru meets with Kanryu in his office and is informed that she will be preforming in the evening program. As Yahiko tells her to not participate since nobody has come back alive from it, which Kaoru tells him that she will be alright and even win the battle. Kaoru thanks Yahiko for worrying about her and heads to the waiting room until tonight.

Later, Kaoru is in a room with four other when Kanryu enters and explains what the Evening program is. As Kanryu starts to fire his gatling gun, Kaoru hides behind one of the barricade until Kanryu destroys it and wounds her. After Kanryu talk about how much power money has and fires his gatling gun, which Kaoru is saved by Kenshin. Once Kenshin defeats Kanryu and explains that style that Battosai uses, Kaoru, Yahiko, and Kanryu figure out that Kenshin is the real Battosai.

The next day, Kaoru makes breakfast for everyone but they all find it horrible. Yahiko asks why she made this, which Kaoru says that she just wants to be able to cook like everybody else. Kaoru and Yahiko then get into fight about Kaoru wanting to act like a girl, which Kenshin stops them and says that he will make some food. Kenshin makes them food, which is all find delicious. While eating, Kaoru thinks about how long Kenshin will stay here and that she should be able to feed the three of them for a while.

As Sano arrives by breaking through the door, which Kaoru and the others keeps it, and asks who Sano is. Kenshin says that Sano must have been sent by Kanryu, which Kaoru thinks that this must be the reason that Kenshin decides to stay here. Kaoru then watches as Kenshin and Kaoru fight. As Kenshin lands a punch on Sano, Yahiko get excited but Kaoru says that its not over yet since Sano is not that weak. Kaoru and Yahiko are shocked when Sano demonstrates the Futae no Kiwami. As Kenshin manages to defeat Sano, Kaoru figures out how Kenshin was able to defeat Sano. Suddenly Udo shows up and quickly leaves, which Kaoru asks who that was. Later after Sano is healed, Kaoru and Yahiko listen in on Sano and Kenshin's conversation. When Sano says that he will help out with protecting the dojo, which Kaoru is shocked by this and comments about how she can't afford to feed the three of them.

The next day, Kaoru is watching Sano repair the front gate when Kenshin asks about the Akabeko. Kaoru notices the look on Kenshin's face and worries about him. Kaoru then takes them to the Akabeko, and explains that it became a sukiyaki restaurant after the restoration. As Sano and Yahiko wants to eat their, which Kaoru agrees to it. When Saito shows up, Kaoru asks who he is which Kenshin says that he is an old acquaintance. After Kenshin leaves with Saito, Kaoru decides to wait for Kenshin's return while Sano and Yahiko head inside. Sano comes out and comments about how Kaoru is worried about Kenshin, which Kaoru says that she is worried as a fellow swordsman living in the Meiji Era. Sano tells Kaoru that Kaoru and Kenshin are not the same, since those who lived during the bakumatsu era are different. Sano then explains to Kaoru about how dangerous the people who live during the bakumatsu are and that she will find herself in a dangerous situation, if she is not careful.

Kaoru then heads into to eat and is introduced to Tsubame. When Kenshin arrives, Kaoru introduces Kenshin to Tsubame. After they finish eating and talking, Tae thanks Kaoru for buying so much, as Kaoru pays. As Kaoru walks home with the others, they talk about how Tsubame is a nice girl to be working at a young age which Yahiko finds it odd since her family was wealthier than his. As Yahiko says that he will be eating at Akabeko more often, which Kaoru asks how he is going to pay for it. When Yahiko reveals that he has money from when he was working fo Kanryu, Kaoru is shocked by this and says that Yahiko could have paid for his food. As Sano and Kenshin comments about Kaoru wanting to pay for his food, which Kaoru is shocked that she is the bad guy in this situation. Kaoru gets angry and says that she paid the bill at Akabeko for all of them, and tells Sano and Kenshin to get a job if they wanna talk to her like that. Kaoru then chases after the two, while telling them to work.

Ten days later, Kaoru and Kenshin head out to practice at another dojo. Kaoru tells them that she made rice balls for them, which Yahiko tells them that he would be eating at Akabeko tonight. Kaoru and Kenshin then head off for practice. Later after the practice is done, Kaoru and Kenshin head home. While walking home, Kaoru asks what Kenshin thinks about the Maekawa Dojo which Kenshin tells her that he expected it to be a little more desolate, like Kamiya Dojo. Kaoru says that they used to be busy until her father passed away, but now it is getting lively again. Kenshin comments about how it funny that none of them are students, which Kaoru figures that she can asks Yahiko if he wants to be a student of the dojo. When the two come across the gaslights, Kaoru comments about how its Kenshin's first time seeing them and this is truly the light of meiji. Kaoru tells Kenshin of her views on the art of the sword is changing and how she can keep her father's style alive, which Kenshin tells her that that is a fine idea. The two then heads home for the night.

The next day, they are eating breakfast when Kaoru comments about how Yahiko wasn't at Akabeko when they went to pick him up and that he came home late. As Kenshin and Sano comment about the rice they are eating, which Kaoru gets angry at them and chases after them. Suddenly Kaoru stops and asks Yahiko if he would like to be a student of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryu, which Yahiko asks how much money can they make swinging a stick and runs away. Kaoru simply laughs if off and says that maybe she was to sudden, and that she failed at recruiting him.

The next day, Kaoru heads out to the Maekawa Dojo to give lessons their. Once their, Kaoru finds that Udo has wounded all the students their and proclaims that Kaoru is the sacrifice. Kaoru asks if Udo has killed them, which Udo tells her that he hasn't and only defeated them with his hand. Kaoru attacks Udo, but Udo easily defeats her by releasing kill intent. Udo then takes Kaoru to Hyakugokugahara. Once their Udo places Kaoru on a boulder and cuts her wrist.

After Kenshin arrives and starts fighting with Udo, Udo notices that Kenshin is not giving it is all and decides to kill her. After Udo thrusts his sword into Kaoru, Kaoru thinks about Kenshin. As Kenshin is about to kill Udo, Kaoru stops him by grabbing his arm. Kaoru tells Kenshin that she is fine, which Udo notices that he only pierced her side. When Udo kills himself, Kaoru and Kenshin are shocked by this. Kaoru then convinces Kenshin to come back home and explains that Kenshin is a different person now.

Sometime later, Kaoru, Sano, and Yahiko are under the cherry blossoms. Kaoru and Sano talks about how Yahiko is a student of the Dojo, while Yahiko swings his sword. Kaoru also comments about how he works at the Akabeko and is secretly help Tsubame pay off her family debt. When Tsubame brings them food from Akabeko, Kaoru asks Tsubame to join them since she had already asks Tae. When Kenshin arrives, Kaoru greets him with the rest.


