Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Maekawa Miyauchi is an aging swordsman who is considered one of the best kenjutsu practitioners in the Tokyo area and the master of the Maekawa Dōjō in the south of the city.


Maekawa is a muscular man with brushed back light colored hair with two strands hanging in the from, thin eyebrows, a mustache, beard, and wrinkles on his forehead, around his eyes, and mouth.

Maekawa wears a dark colored haori over a white shirt, dark colored pants, and white socks.


Devoted to the Chūetsu-ryū school of swordsmanship, Maekawa-sensei has cared only for swords ever since his youth and eagerly wishes to fight against stronger and stronger opponents.


  • Kamiya Koshijiro: Maekawa is a friend of Koshijiro.
  • Kamiya Kaoru: Since Maekawa was a friend of Koshijiro, he invited Kaoru to come train with them at any time.


Maekawa is a skilled swordsman of the Chūetsu-ryū. Maekawa was skilled enough to easily see that he was no match of an opponent like Kenshin.


A friend of Kamiya Koshijiro, Maekawa invited Kamiya Kaoru to hold joint training sessions for her students and herself with the Maekawa Dōjō students any time she wished, but with the decline of kenjutsu brought on by the Meiji Restoration, reluctantly found himself relying on her novelty as the lovely "kenjutsu princess" to attract more students and keep attendance high.

Tokyo Arc[]

In the early Spring of 1878, when rumors began swirling of an extremely skilled rurouni named Himura Kenshin staying at the Kamiya Dōjō, Maekawa invited Kaoru to a training session in the hopes that the swordsman would come along. However, upon encountering Kenshin, Maekawa is able to discern that the man is incredibly skilled and has a deep, complicated past merely by looking into his eyes and the match is foregone.

Unfortunately, shortly afterward, the Maekawa Dōjō is beset upon by the swordsman Isurugi Raijūta, who mocks Maekawa's teachings and ruthlessly defeats him in a match. It is only due to Kenshin's intervention that the Dōjō's sign is not taken down and burned by Raijūta and his ward.

Jinchū Arc[]

That Autumn, the Maekawa Dōjō is attacked once again, this time by Inui Banjin of the Six Comrades, targeting anyone involved with Kenshin and the Kamiya Dōjō. Maekawa is badly hurt, and after he recovers, he decides to quit as instructor of the Dōjō, and transfer the title of instructor to one of his students.

In Live Action film[]

Miyauchi Maekawa appears in a cameo, portrayed by Takeo Nakahara in the 2021 live action movie Rurouni Kenshin: The Final.


  • Maekawa did not appear in the 1996 anime series, due to the changes done to the Isurugi Raijūta arc in comparison with the events of the manga. Nevertheless, Kaoru said she had a present for him on episode 65.


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