Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Myōjin Yahiko is an underling that was working for Kanryu Takeda. After being fired by Kanryu, Yahiko started to live at the Kamiya Dōjō. At the end of the manga, Yahiko become a student of the Kamiya Kasshin-ryū.


Yahiko is a short kid with blade spiky hair, and thin eyebrows.

Yahiko wears a kosode that is patterned with several sets of short, twin parallel lines and white long sleeved shirt underneath, a dark hakama, and standard white tabi and zori.


Although Yahiko is quickly to anger, he is a kind person at heart. Yahiko cares for other, as he was willing to hand over the property document over to Kanryu to get money to pay off the Sanjo family debt, but realizes that if would hurt Kaoru and his friends more.


  • Takeda Kanryu: Yahiko worked for Kanryu as a gofer. Kanryu really used Yahiko as a reverse hostage to that Kaoru won't do anything strange, and even got rid of him when he was no longer useful.
  • Sanjo Tsubame: Yahiko and Tsubame are childhood friends. Yahiko cares about Tsubame deeply and even tries to get money any way he can to help with her family's debt.


Yahiko has no known swordsman skill until he started learning at the end of the manga. Yahiko was able to defeat Kanryu, mainly because Yahiko was able to hit Kanryu's hands and Kanryu got distracted when he drop his money.


When Yahiko was younger, he climbed a tree and proclaims that he will be the strongest swordsman in Japan.


Yahiko attacks Kenshin while claiming that he had looked all over for him, and starts to drag Kenshin with him while commenting about how he would be in trouble if Kenshin were to be arrested for carrying a sword. As Kenshin asks if Yahiko is in trouble and if their is anything he can do, which Yahiko takes him to Kanryu fighting performance area. As they arrives, Yahiko forces Kenshin into the arena and comments about how Kenshin was already paid in advance for this. Later when Kanryu reveals a different battosai, that was supposed to fight in the match, Yahiko realizes that he messed up.

Later, Yahiko is at the Kamiya Dōjō when Kaoru talks about she only need one more win to get the property that the dojo is on from Kanryu. Yahiko tells Kaoru that Kanryu will make sure to stop her from winning, but she is his cash cow. Kaoru tells Kenshin that Yahiko is Kanryu's gofer, which Yahiko says that he is keeping watch for Kanryu and introduces himself. Kenshin and Kaoru notices that Yahiko is wounded, which Kenshin restrains Yahiko while Kaoru puts from ointment on it. While applying the ointment, Kaoru says that Yahiko can't keep working for Kanryu since nothing good will come of it which Yahiko tells her to shut up since she doesn't know nothing about him or his past. As Kaoru explains that all that matters is how people live in the present and move forward towards the future, Yahiko tells her that she needs to mind her own business and that she should worry about herself before worrying about others. Yahiko then head off to bed.

The next day, Yahiko is in Kanryu's office when Kaoru is informed that she will be participating in the evening program. Yahiko tells Kaoru that she can't participant in the evening program since he heard that nobody comes back alive from it, which Kaoru replies that she will be alright and that he will win the battle. Kaoru thanks him and leaves the room, which Kanryu smashes a vase over Yahiko's head. Kanryu says that Yahiko is useless and has him tossed somewhere. Yahiko is wounded in an alley, when Kenshin finds him. Kenshin asks if he is in trouble and if he can lend him a hand, which Yahiko replies yes. Yahiko takes Kenshin to Kanryu mansion, which he is shocked to find out that Kenshin is the real battosai, after Kenshin defeats Kanryu.

The next day, all three of them are eating breakfast which they all find terrible. Yahiko comments about how Kaoru is wasting her time trying to make good food, which result in the two getting into a fight. Kenshin then makes some food, which Yahiko finds it good and asks for seconds. As Kenshin tells him to eat plenty and grow up to be a big man, which Yahiko replies that Kenshin is a shorty like him.

When Sano breaks through the gate, Yahiko heads out with the others to check it out. Yahiko then watches as Sano reveals why he is here and Kenshin starts to fight with Sano. As Sano is disappointed that Kenshin won't fight him seriously, Sano makes a deal with Kenshin which Yahiko says that Sano is stupid. Yahiko is shocked when Sano demonstrates the Futae no Kiwami. Yahiko is glad when Kenshin wins against Sano. Suddenly Udo shows up and leaves just a quickly after commenting about giving Kenshin a reason to kill, which Yahiko wonders what was that. Later that night, Yahiko and Kaoru are spying on Kenshin and Sano's conversation. Yahiko is then shocked when Sano says that he will help protect the dojo, and complains that they will go broke without Kanryu's help.

The next day, Yahiko sees Sano fix the front gate and comments about how Sano has freakish muscles. When Kenshin asks to be taken to Akabeko, they find out that its a sukiyaki restaurant which Yahiko gets excited to eat some. As Saito arrives and Kenshin goes with him to talk, Yahiko heads inside to eat with Sano. After Sano goes to talk with Kaoru, Yahiko gets an out of the loop feeling but ignored it and asks for more. As the waitress comes, Yahiko notices that its Tsubame. When the rest come back to eat, they are all introduced to Tsubame, who is Yahiko's childhood friend. When Tsubame finds out where Yahiko is living and comments about how he is chasing after his dream, which Yahiko says that he doesn't remember a stupid dream he had as a kid. As the others say that he is a kid, which Yahiko tells them to shut up and just keep eating.

After they finish eating, the all leave and head home. While walking home, they talk about how Tsubame is a nice girl to be working at such a young age which Yahiko comments about how that doesn't make sense. Yahiko comments about how Tsubame's family was wealthier then his, which Sano explains that only the merchant made out well after the restoration. Yahiko says that he doesn't need dinner every third night since he will be going to Akabeko. Kaoru asks how he is going to pay for this, which Yahiko reveals that he has money from working for Kanryu.

Ten days later, Yahiko heads out to eat at Akabeko since Sano tells him to be careful. Later, Yahiko is eating at Akabeko with Tsubame. The two talk about Tsubame's family and about Yahiko's dream. Tsubame asks what happened to Yahiko's family, which Yahiko reveals everything that has happened to him. After hearing this, Tsubame starts to cry which makes Tae angry. Yahiko quickly gets Tsubame to stop crying and orders more food, but Tae says that they are closing early since the restaurant is rented out for later tonight. Yahiko then prepares to leave when Kanryu show up. Yahiko asks how Kanryu found out about this place, which Kanryu explains that he hired an ex-ninja and they know that Yahiko has been coming here for a week. Yahiko asks if Kanryu is coming after him when he is alone, which Kanryu replies that he has men for that and that a merchant shows up when there is a deal to be made. Kanryu says that they should make a deal and discuss it inside.

The two head inside, which Kanryu reveals what is happening with the Sanjo family. As Kanryu says that Tsubame will be sold off to pay off the debt, which Yahiko gets angry but Kanryu tells him to calm down. Yahiko is then shocked when Kanryu says that he will pay Yahiko three times the price of the Sanjo family's debt, if Yahiko get him the Kamiya Dōjō's business documents. Yahiko asks why he should believe a crook like Kanryu, which Kanryu has him a contract and a deposit for the deal. Kanryu tells Yahiko that he is an unscrupulous merchant and that he will always honor a deal. Kanryu says that Yahiko has three days to decide and leaves. Tsubame asks if Yahiko is okay, which Yahiko tells her that everything is fine and leaves.

The next day, Kaoru asks Yahiko if he wants to be a student of the Kamiya Dōjō which Yahiko asks how much money can you make swinging a stick and runs off. Later that night, Yahiko is looking for business documents when he notices a presence behind him. Yahiko goes to look but finds no one.

Days later, Kanryu arrives at the dojo which Yahiko doesn't give him the document after thinking about Kaoru, Kenshin, and Sanjo. Kanryu says that Yahiko is abandoning Tsubame, which Yahiko tells him to shut up and that he will find a way to make the money. Yahiko says that if Kanryu wants the document, then he will have to come get it. Kenshin then touches Yahiko's shoulder and says that they will talk later. After Gein and Inui deliver a child that reveals that Udo is after Kaoru, Yahiko tells Kenshin to go.

After Kenshin leaves, Kanryu hits Yahiko with his bag of money and launches him into the Dojo. Kanryu comments about how a child can't be an adult without a weapon, which Yahiko pick ups a shinai and says that they are now even. As Yahiko attacks, Kanryu manages to land a blow before Yahiko can. As Kanryu then assaults Yahiko, Yahiko thinks about how he hasn't learned a thing about wielding a sword. Kanryu stops his assault and comments about how tough Yahiko is, which Yahiko thinks about how Kaoru will lose the dojo and Tsubame will lose her life, if he were to lose. Yahiko thinks about Kenshin and says that he is going to beat Kanryu. Kanryu goes for another blow with his bag, but Yahiko lands a blow on Kanryu's hands and manages to make him drops his money. As Kanryu goes after his money, Yahiko takes this chance to land a blow on Kanryu's face and defeat him.

As Sano comes to check on Yahiko, Yahiko pulls out the money and the deal and explains that he plans to hand over the deal to the police. Kanryu says that that is a breach of contract and to give the money back, which Yahiko slam the money on Kanryu's face and says that that is what he plans to do. Yahiko also says that he doesn't want Kanryu's dirty money, but is shocked when Sano says that he will take it as fight money. As Sano then says that they should clean the place up, which Yahiko hopes that Kenshin is all right since he was chased by Gein. Yahiko wonders if they should go help, which Sano tells him that it won't be necessary since Kenshin had survived the bakumatsu.

Sometime later, Yahiko has become a student at the Kamiya Dōjō and is working at the Akabeko to secretly help with Tsubame's family debt. Yahiko is practicing his swings, with the others, at the cherry blossoms, as Tsubame arrive with food from the Akabeko. As they are eating, Yahiko wonders where Kenshin is. When Kenshin arrives, Yahiko greets him with the others.


