Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Sagara Sanosuke is a fighting merchant that was hired by Kanryu to kill Kenshin. After being defeated by Kenshin, Sano joins him to protect the dojo.


Sano is a tall man with spikey black hair.

Sano wears a dark colored headband, dark colored bandages around his hands, white bandages around his ankles, a white happi jacket with black trim and the kanji for evil on his back, white dogi trousers, and black shoes.


Sano enjoys a good fight, and will do anything to get his opponent to fight seriously. Sano also believes that if a person dies or not, is a matter of luck, and will not willing kill someone. Sano is able to figure out a solution when confronted by a problem. Sano deeply cares for the Sekihotai since he was a member, and is angry that the Meiji Government has made them out to be false imperial solders. Sano has no problem with taking dirty moeny, and explains it as fight money. Sano is willing to sell a fight for cheap but is expensive when someone what to buy one. Sano has no problem being the evil in the world since there is evil in the world that can only be conquered with evil.


  • Himura Kenshin: Sano was originally hired to kill Kenshin but after his defeat, Sano decides to help Kenshin protect the dojo.


Sano is a fist fighter. Sano is tough enough to withstand an assault of Inui's metal hardened fists. Sano has shown to be adaptable, as he was able to break through Inui's liquid metal armor by repeatedly attacking one spot. Sano was taught the Futae no Kiwami, which is a punching technique that allows him to completely destroy an object.



Sano was hired by Kanryu, along with others, to deal with Kenshin. As they draw lots, Sano gets the the number one and gets to fight Kenshin first. As Kanryu tells Sano to go kill Kenshin, which Sano tells him that he ain't a killer and flicks Kanryu's forehead.

Later, Sano arrives at the gates at the Kamiya Dojo and breaks the front gate. As the three come out, Sano apologizes to them for interrupted their meal. Yahiko asks if Sano is here to kill them, which Sano tells him that he has no business with women and children. Sano introduces himself, and explains just who he is. Sano says that he came to pick a fight with Kenshin, and wants to find out who's stronger. Sano then attacks but Kenshin is able to avoid all of Sano's punches. As Kenshin lands a punch on Sano, Sano says that a swordsman's fist won't do anything to him. Sano then asks why Kenshin won't draw his sword, which Kenshin explains why he has no reason to fight Sano.

Sano says that that is a problem, and says that Kenshin will have no choice but to protect himself. Sano then demonstrates the Futae no Kiwami by destroying the wall behind Kenshin, which Kenshin manages to figure out what Sano has just did. Sano comments about how truly amazing Kenshin is, and begs Kenshin to accept his challenge. Kenshin comments about how Sano enjoys fighting, which Sano explain that the world the Ishin Shishi made the world complicated but the world of fighting is simple. Kenshin comments about how Sano's feeling are represented in the "Evil" character on his back, which Sano says that Kenshin is correct. Sano says that they shouldn't talk about that now and asks Kenshin to accept his challenge. Sano says that he will do whatever Kenshin want, whether Kenshin wins or loses. As Kenshin agrees to if, Sano gets excited and thanks him. Kenshin comments about how he is slightly different person when he draws his sword, which Sano says that he is fine with it since he won't want it any other way. As Sano attacks, but Kenshin is able to stops Sano from using the Futae no Kiwami and defeat Sano.

Later, Sano wakes up and has a meal which he comments about how his hand will be healed by tomorrow. Sano then meets with Kenshin and says that he will do one thing that Kenshin wants. Kenshin asks Sano to use his strength to stop the bloodshed and cries of people, which Sano agrees to it and says that he will first start by protecting the dojo.

The next day, Sano starts to fix the gate when Kenshin asks about the Akabeko. Once their, they find that its a sukiyaki restaurant which Sano and Yahiko asks to eat. When Saito arrives and Kenshin goes with him, Sano and Yahiko head in to eat. Later Sano comes out and asks if Kaoru is going to eat. Kaoru tells him to save her some, which Sano says that their is nothing left. Sano asks for more, which Kaoru says that they can have three more servings. Sano asks if Kaoru is worried about Kenshin, which Kaoru says that she is only worried only as a fellow swordsman living in the Meiji Era. Sano says that Kenshin and Kaoru aren't the same, and that those that lived the Bakumatsu Era are different. Sano asks Kaoru if she heard of the Sekihotai, which Kaoru says that they were the false imperial solder who committed crimes during the confusion of the Meiji Restoration. Sano get angry which shocks Kaoru, which Sano apologizes. Sano explains that he was in the Sekihotai and comments about the captain of the group. Sano tells Kaoru that Saito and Udo are different from the guys that Kanryu had assembled. Sano also says that guys that kill are different and that they will find themselves in a grave predicament if they mess with them.

Sano and Kaoru then head inside and are introduced to Tsubame. While eating, Yahiko comments about a dream he had as a kid which Sano says that Yahiko is still a kid. After eating, they all head home. While walking, Yahiko comments about how Tsubame doesn't need to work which Sano says that only the merchants made out well during the restoration. As Kaoru is shocked that Yahiko could have paid for his meal, since he plans to eat at Akabeko more often, Sano comments about how Kaoru is trying to wheedle money from a kid. Kaoru gets angry at Sano and Kenshin, and chases after them while saying that they need to work.

Ten days later, Sano has finished fixing the gate when Kaoru says that she made rice balls for dinner since she and Kenshin are heading out. As Yahiko decides to eat at Akabeko, Sano tells him to be careful. Kenshin asks Sano to look after the Dojo while he is away, which Sano tells Kenshin to leave it to him.

The next day, Sano is eating with the others and comments about the rice balls he ate for dinner last night. As Sano and Kenshin make Kaoru angry, and chases after them. Suddenly Kaoru tries to recruit Yahiko but fails, which Sano tells her to not worry about it.

The next day, Sano is protecting when Kenshin asks where Kaoru is at. When Kenshin figures that Kaoru has left, Sano tells him that he will watch over the place. When Kanryu suddenly arrives, Sano says that Kanryu has some nerve. Sano then watches as Yahiko doesn't give Kanryu the documents for the Dojo, Gein and Inui breaking into the dojo, and are informed that Udo is targeting Kaoru. After hearing this, Sano tells Kenshin that he will protect the dojo. When Kenshin leaves, Sano is confronted by Inui.

Inui introduces himself and says that they should find out which one of their fist are stronger, which Sano agrees to it. As Inui charges, Sano thinks about how the Futae no Kiwami works and attacks but notice that the technique didn't work. Sano notices that something is wrong and attacks again but the technique doesn't work. Sano notices that the syrup like liquid on Inui arms are throwing the timing for the Futae no Kiwami off. Inui explains how his armor works and starts to assault Sano. Once Inui is done, Sano is still standing. Sano then manages to break through Inui armor by Repeatedly attacking one spot. As Sano expresses about how they should figure out who fist is the strongest, Inui decides to cover himself entire with mercury. Inui tells Sano to come, but Sano doesn't. Inui decides to attack first but realizes that he can't move. Sano calls him stupid and knocks him over.

Sano then pick up the document for the dojo and goes to check up one Yahiko, which Yahiko is fine. As Yahiko pulls something out, Sano asks what he has. As Yahiko gives Kanryu his money back and says that he doesn't want his money, which Sano decides to take the bag of money and says that its fight money. Sano explains that he is cheap when it comes to selling a fight but expensive if they wanna buy one from him. As Kanryu calls Sano a scoundrel, Sano tells him that he is fine with that since there is evil in the world that can only be conquered with evil. Sano and Yahiko exit the dojo, which Sano says that they should clean the place up before Kenshin and Kaoru returns. Yahiko worries about Kenshin and says that they should go help, but Sano says that that won't be necessary since Kenshin has survived the bakumatsu.

Sometime later, Sano is with Kaoru and Yahiko at the cherry blossoms. Sano and Kaoru talk about how Yahiko has become a student at the dojo, and how Yahiko is working at the Akabeko to secretly help pay off the Tsubame's family's debt. As Tsubame arrives with food from the Akabeko, Sano says that they need this even through the cherry blossoms are not in bloom yet. As Kenshin arrives, Sano greets Kenshin with the others.


