Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Saitō Hajime is an officer that is investigating Kanryu Takeda. Saitō was the former third unit captain of the Shinsengumi.


Saitō is a tall man with brushed back black hair, with three strands hanging in front of his face.

Saitō wears a police uniform, black boots, and carries a sword on his left hip.


Saitō is a serious man, that believes in the justice of Aku-Soku-Zan. Saitō is willing to kill others in the name of his justice, but will keep those he need to apprehend alive.


  • Himura Kenshin: Saitō and Kenshin were enemies during the Bakumatsu. Saitō wishes to restart their rival and finally settle the score.
  • Udo Jin-e: Saitō and Udo were members of the Shinsengumi.


Saitō is a skilled enough swordsman to become the third unit captain of the Shinsengumi. Saitō is stronger enough to break out of Gein's binding, which resulted in a couple statues to break. Saitō uses the Gatotsu technique, which is a powerful thrust to rip through a corpse.


As the Shinsengumi is attacking Kenshin, Saitō shows up and tells Udo to step aside since Kenshin is his. Saitō prepares to attack, but notices that Kenshin is looking at the blood on the ground. Saitō wonders if the blood is bothering Kenshin and suggests that they changes locations, which Kenshin replies that he is fine here. As Kenshin comments about the Gatotsu, Saitō says that Kenshin should know that its impossible to escape the technique at close range and charges. As Kenshin lifts up a corpse, Saitō simply rip right through it. Afterwards Saitō notices that Kenshin is not there and starts to smoke. Suddenly Kenshin appears and attacks, which Saitō counters. Saitō starts to smoke again, since his cigarette was destroyed, but they clash again which destroy another one. Saitō says that Kenshin is doing that on purpose, and explains that his cigarettes are imported and can only be sold at a store called Akabeko.

As Kenshin attacks, Saitō grabs the blade and kicks him. As the two are on the ground, Saitō says that he knew that this wasn't going to be easy. As they get up, Kenshin comments about the words on Saitō's sword which Saitō explains that the words are the only justice be believes in. As Saitō says that they both believe in the same justice, which Kenshin replies that Saitō is wrong and explains that his justice is protecting. Saitō says that Kenshin is naive and says that he would like see Kenshin's face when that happens but knows he will never. Kenshin says that Saitō is right, which the two says that the other is going to die now. The two clash which result with both their blade being destroyed.


As Kanryu hires people to kill Kenshin, Saitō join them as a corrupt cop so that he can investigate Kanryu. As they all draw lots to see who attacks Kenshin first, Saitō simply throws his away. Later that night, Saitō arrives at the Kamiya Dojo's gate and prepares to attack. Saitō decides not to attacks since attacking a busted gate is a sloppy way of renewing their battle. Saitō says that he will have to see how that idiot has changed and drops him cigarette, as he leaves.

The next day when Kenshin's group arrives at Akabeko, Saitō arrives and says that he is surprised that Kenshin was able to arrive her with just using his memory and what little clues he had. After a small chat, Saitō and Kenshin head to a shrine to talk. Once their Kenshin comments about how Saitō is an officer, which Saitō replies that its not much different when he was in the Shinsengumi. Kenshin asks what he wants, which Saitō says that he found out about Kenshin when he was sniffing around Kanryu. Saitō comments about how he figured that Kenshin is a rurouni, instead of starting a new life with those he protected. Saitō then asks why Kenshin became a rurouni and takes a guess why Kenshin became a Rurouni. Kenshin fully explains why he became a rurouni, which Saitō explains that this is the reason he called Kenshin naive. Saitō then tells Kenshin that wandering around isn't going to free him from the pool of blood he created. Saitō tells Kenshin to be prepared to step back into a pool of blood, or he will find himself in a grave perdicament if he keeps wielding that pathetic sakabato one day.

As Saitō prepares to leave, Kenshin comments about how Udo had showed up a the dojo yesterday. Saitō explains who Udo is and how he disappeared after the war. Saitō says that he will leave Udo to Kenshin, which Kenshin says that Saitō has changed. Saitō says if that is what Kenshin thinks, then Kenshin can kill him since he is not getting involved. Saitō says that he is the loser of the restoration, and that Kenshin should carry out the duties as a winner before expecting anything from the defeated. Saitō then leaves.

A week later, Saitō follows Kenshin and Gein to a shrine. As Kenshin decides to leave Gein to Saitō, which Saitō notices that Kenshin has got that old look and wonder what's gotten into them. As Gein reveals that he know about Saitō and explains that he research those that Kanryu hired, which Saitō reveals that he also knows about Gein's past. Gein introduces him and attacks, which Saitō calls Gein a fool and draws his sword. As Saitō fights Gein, Gein says that Saitō is dull and slow, and then binds Saitō with his Karanui technique. As Gein says that Saitō is not capable of testing his skills and explains that he wasn't able to use his skills during the bakumatsu, and doesn't want his skills to rot in this time of peace. Saitō says that Gein could have left the Oniwabanshu and fights in the war, since it had continued after the surrender of the castle. Gein replies that he is not dumb enough to fight in a losing battle, and says that Saitō knows how miserable it is being a loser. Gein charges at Saitō, which Saitō explains that losers are only losers because they are called losers by those who've never fought. Saitō breaks through his binds and prepares to attack, which Gein figures out what Saitō is doing and backs away. Saitō then defeats Gein using his Gatotsu technique.

Afterwards, Gein comments about how he underestimated Saitō and that his Gatotsu was brilliant. As Gein comments about how he would be dead if it wasn't for his reaction speed, which Saitō wonders what Gein is talking about and hasn't Gein done his homework. Gein says that he knows that the Gatotsu is a thrust using the left hand, but realizes that Saitō is holding his sword in his right hand. Saitō says that he needs to apprehend Gein as a witness, and states that Gein is lucky that he is a dog of the authorities and not a wolf of Mibu.

Sometime later, Saitō meets with Kenshin and explains that Kanryu and his men are all been arrested. Saitō then delivers a message from Kenshin's old allies, which they want Kenshin to come home and help them lay the ground work for the new government. Saitō then tells Kenshin that he got lucky this time, which Kenshin explains that he won't return to the pool of blood and that he will protect those who need help. The two then head their separate ways.


