Seiryū (青龍) is a member of the Su Shen.
Seiryu is a large man, with a bold head and sharp teeth. On Seiryu's forehead is the kanji for Seiryu and three scale of each side of his head.
Seiryu may look like a big oaf but is intelligent enough to figure out that Aoshi's long sword is really two Kodachi, and chooses to fight Saito. Seiryu can also figure out, and specializes, in find out the weakness's of an opponent's technique and is willing to give up an arm to witness a technique. Seiryu finds enjoyment in winning battles, but knows that it is disrepectful to laugh in battle and has to physically close his mouth when he smiles.
- Woo Heishin - Seiryu is one of Woo Heishin's bodyguards and protects him from all threats.
- Su Shen - Seiryu is a member of the Su Shen, a group of four that act as Woo Heishin's bodyguards.
Seiryu specializes in learning everything about his opponent's technique after seeing it once, allowing him to take advantage of any weaknesses that exist therein. This comes in handy against Saitō Hajime's Gatotsu, allowing Seiryū to get the advantage over him when they exchange blades the next two times. Unfortunately for Seiryū, however, Saitō is able to adjust the attack as he pleases and in the next exchange, he shifts the direction of his attack slightly to the right, allowing him to break through Seiryu's guard and defeat him.
Seiryu is a capable fighter, as he was able to jump high in the air with his large body and was even able to avoid Saito's attack multiple times.
Seiryu is equipped with the Azure Dragon Crescent Blade, a naginata-like weapon with a dragon head figure at the end of a long pole, with the blade coming out of the dragon's mouth.
Seiryu arrives at the island that Enishi and Kaoru are at, with his boss (Woo Heishin) and the rest of the Su Shen. Seiryu spends most of his time on the island guarding his boss with the rest of the Su Shen.
Days later when Kenshin and the rest arrive on the island, Heishin and the Su shen are force to leave by the Enishi instead of saying to fight. As they are leaving, the Su shen wonder why they are leave which Heishin says that the Su shen won't be able to defeat the current Enishi. Heishin also says that the only way off the island is through the cove that Kenshin's group is at, and that they will show Enishi their gratitude for give him the organization by defeating his enemy which the Su Shen are glad to hear.
Once they arrive at the cove, the Su Shen smile when Heishin comments about how they will be fight them. When Heishin feels that he has been insulted by Kenshin's friends, Heishin orders the Su Shen to attack. The Su Shen jump high in the air and land to face their respected targets. Seiryu pulls out his Azure Dragon Crescent Blade and attacks Saito, who pulls out his sword. The two back away from each other, which allows Saito to prepare his Gatotsu. As Saito preforms his Gatotsu, Seiryu blocks it with his arm and then proclaims how he figured out Saito's technique. Saito says that its useless and attacks again, but Seiryu dodges to Saito's right and lands a blow on Seiryu. Saito tries to attack again, but Seiryu easily dodge and land another blow on Saito. Seiryu tells Saito to use a different move but says that it will also be useless. Saito says that Seiryu is having fun since Seiryu's smile is back (which Seiryu closed it before), which Seiryu replies that he knows that smiling in battle is disrespectful but he can't help but smile whe he is about to win.
As Saito uses the Gatotsu again, Seiryu comments that it is useless. Suddenly Saito grabs Seiryu's head, which Seiryu is shocked by this. Saito then lands a blow with the Gatotsu and manages to break the Azure Dragon Crescent Blade. After all the fighting is over, Seiryu along with the rest are arrested by the police.