Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

Takeda Kanryū is a secondary antagonist of the Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration manga.


Kanryu is a thin man with short black hair, small eyebrows, and wears round glasses.

When he first appeared, Kanryu wears a white button down shirt, black tie, white vest, dark colored jacket and pants, and black gloves.

Later, Kanryu wears a white button down shirt, black tie, dark colored vest, jacket, and pants, and wears black shoes and gloves.


Kanryu considers himself as a great merchant, and will practically do anything to earn money. Kanryu will always honor the deal, even if its is illegal or not. Kanryu does like Samurai, warriors, and swordsmen, since they earn very like money while strutting around wish such arrogance. Kanryu finds that money is the ultimate power, since people can use money to easily acquire power that is greater then the skill that samurai train for.


  • Himura Kenshin: Kanryu hate Kenshin, since he had stop him from killing Kaoru and obtaining the dojo. Kanryu hates him so much, that he had hired multiple people just to kill him.
  • Gein: Kanryu hired Gein to kill Kenshin but after what Udo did, Kanryu decide to use him to help with obtaining the dojo. Since Gein is a ninja, Kanryu has used him to obtain information about the people living in the dojo.
  • Inui Banjin: Kanryu hires Inui to kill Kenshin but after what Udo did, Kanryu decided to use him to help with obtaining the dojo.


Kanryu is skilled enough to lift up and use a Gatling Gun. Kanryu has also show to hit a person with a bag full of money.


Sometime ago, Kanryu has purchased the land that the Kamiya dojo was on. Kanryu tells Kaoru that she can pay twice the rent or purchase the rights from him in a single payment. Since Kaoru can't do either, Kanryu proposes that Kaoru earns ten victories in the performances he hosts and then he would return the rights to the Kamiya Dojo to her.


As the crowd is anger about the results of his live performance, Kanryu appears and calms them down by refunding their bets with a 50 percent increase. Kanryu then shows everyone the Battosai that Kaoru was supposed to face and says that he can appreciate that Kaoru has brought in an imposter to earn an easy victory. As Kenshin says that he had just wondered in, which Kanryu says that it doesn't matter and that their are only one match remains to their promise. Afterwards, Kanryu finds out about Yahiko mistake and has him punished.

The next day, Kanryu meets with Kaoru about their next performance which Yahiko tries to get Kaoru to not perform since he is worried about her. As Kaoru tells him to not worry since she will win and leaves, Kanryu smashes a vase over Yahiko's head. Kanryu says that Yahiko is useless and tells his men to hoss him somewhere.

Later, Kanryu explains what the evening program will be to the other participants and that he will be facing them with a gatling gun. As two of the participants charge at Kanryu, Kanryu uses the gatling gun to take out three of the participant while expressing how he never liked the samurai. After managing to injure Kaoru, Kanryu insults her and explain how money is the ultimate power. When Kenshin shows up, Kanryu says that he doesn't want to waste his bullets on him and tells him to leave. As Kenshin says that a pool of blood will appear at Kanryu's feet, which Kanryu gets angry and says that he will blow Kenshin and Kaoru off the face of the earth. As Kanryu fires his gun, Kenshin jumps into the air with Kaoru and uses a technique to defeat Kanryu. As Kenshin explains the style that Battosai uses, Kanryu realizes that Kenshin is the legendary battosai.

Later, Kanryu hires multiple people of the underworld to kill Kenshin. As they all draw lots to see which of them to fight Kenshin first, Kanryu wonders why they are doing this and that they should all just attack him together. As Sano get to go first, Kanryu tells him to go and kill Kenshin. Sano says that he is not a killer and injures Kanryu, which Kanryu what is wrong with him.

Day later, Udo scares most of the mercenaries away after killing some of them. Kanryu finds out about this and thinks about how it would be dangerous to try to put Udo on a leash, and that it would be best to stay of how his way. Kanryu then wonders why Gein and Inui has stayed, which the two explain themselves. Kanryu says that they can be useful, and decides to leave Udo to deal with the Battosai while they finish off the Kamiya Dojo.

Days later, Kanryu meets with Yahiko at the Akabeko. Yahiko wonders how Kanryu found out about this place, which Kanryu reveals that he hired an ex-ninja and knows that Yahiko has been coming here for the past week. As Yahiko comments that Kanryu has come after him when he is alone, which Kanryu says that he has men for that. Kanryu explains that he is merchant, and that a merchant shows up when there is a deal to be made. Kanryu says that they should make a deal and that they will discuss it inside.

As the two are eating, Kanryu reveals that he has done research on the Sanjo family. Kanryu says that the Sanjo family will default on a debt and that Tsubame will be sold of within six months. As Yahiko gets angry, Kanryu says that he is simply stating a fact and tells Yahiko to calm down. Kanryu then says that they should make a deal and states that he will purchase the Kamiya dojo's business documents at three times the price of the Sanjo family's debt. As Yahiko is shocked by this, Kanryu explains that he is in the middle of negotiating a very lucrative deal with somebody and that he has to have the dojo property for it to go through. Kanryu also explains that circumstance he is in, and that if Yahiko will get the documents, then he will let the other go and compensate them if they leave quietly. As Yahiko asks why he should trust Kanryu, which Kanryu hands him a contract and the deposit for the deal. Kanryu then explains that he is not a crook but an unscrupulous merchant, and that he will honor the deal. Kanryu says that this matter can only be solved with money and he shouldn't reveal this to Kenshin. As Kanryu leaves, he tells Yahiko that he has three days to decide.

A week later, Kanryu show up at the Kamiya Dojo which Kenshin wonders what he wants. Kanryu says that he has no business with Kenshin and tells Kenshin to keep his distance since he is afraid of him. Kanryu says that he came to here the answer for his proposal and looks at Yahiko. As Yahiko reveals that he has the documents, which Kanryu says that Yahiko made the right choice and says that they will exchange on the count of three. As Yahiko goesn't give Kanryu that documents, Kanryu says that Yahiko is going to abandon the girls. As Yahiko expresses that he will find a way to help Tsubame and that Kanryu won't ever get the documents, which Kanryu gets angry at him.

As Gein and Inui break into the dojo to help out, Kanryu tries to get the document by beat Yahiko with the bag of money. As Yahiko continues to beat Yahiko, Kanryu proclaims how must power money truly has. Kanryu tells Yahiko to bow down to money and whacks him into the dojo. As Kanryu declares him the winner, he decides to take the document and leave before Kenshin returns. As Yahiko says that Kanryu is not leaving, which Kanryu says that a child can't beat an adult, especially without a weapon. Yahiko holds up a shinai and attacks, but Kanryu manages to land a blow before Yahiko can. Kanryu says that Yahiko scared him and kicks him. Kanryu says that Yahiko is dead and continues to hit Yahiko. As Yahiko is still not down, Kanryu goes for another blow but Yahiko manages to land a blow on Kanryu's hands. As Kanryu drops the money, he goes for the money but Yahiko defeat him by hitting his face.

As Sano comes to check up on Yahiko, Yahiko tells him that he will deliver the contract that Kanryu had given him to the police. Kanryu says that that is a breach of contract and to give his money back, which Yahiko says that that is what he plans to do and slam the money on Kanryu's face. As Sano decides to take Kanryu's money, Kanryu is shocked by this and fall unconscious. Afterwards, Kanryu and the others are arrested.


