Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

The Abandoned Village is the 3rd episode of the Kyoto Inferno (2nd Season) and 27th episode overall of the Rurouni Kenshin 2023 anime adaptation.


Misao is following Kenshin on his travel to Kyōto because she sees him as the best clue to Aoshi's whereabouts, even when Kenshin tries to outrun her. Eventually they find a dying man in the middle of the forest who asks them for help to free a village that has fallen into Shishio's hands. Why has the government forgotten that village in the countryside? Will Kenshin be able to expell Shishio's men from that place?


To be added

Characters in Order of Appearance[]

Anime Notes[]

  • There is a small difference in the events of this episode between the anime and the manga:
    • In the original manga (and the 1996 anime) Misao thinks to herself about the idea of giving Kenshin a truth serum mixed with some food in order to make him speak about Aoshi's whereabouts. That scene is omitted in this anime episode.


  • The episode was titled after the original of Act 66
  • In this episode there are a couple of scenes of the sun shining through the trees that are created using some sort of Photorealistic Rendering. They somehow look like the Photorealistic techniques used for certain scenes in Trust & Betrayal.


To be added
