Tokyo Samurai - Myojin Yahiko is the 2nd episode of the Rurouni Kenshin 2023 anime adaptation.
After the incident at the Kamiya Dōjō was resolved, Kaoru tries to get her students back. However, not one of them came back. As Kaoru goes shopping with Kenshin in the streets of Tokyo, he almost gets pickpocketed by a young street burglar. Later Kaoru comes across a carriage with a man asking her for directions to the police station.
When she turns around, she finds out that Kenshin has been cornered by the Sword Bearing Police for bearing a katana and thus violating the Meiji Government era's sword abolishment edict. Who are these abusive policemen, and what do they want from Kenshin? What will that kid burglar do about his path in life?
Even with the "Battōusai" case involving the Hiruma Brothers, Gohei and Kihei was closed; students are not returning to the Kamiya Dōjō. An angered Kaoru takes off to the marketplace with Kenshin to shop. As they cross a wooden bridge en route to that other Dōjō, a kid bumps into Kenshin and attempts to steal his wallet. Kaoru prevents him from doing so, but Kenshin lets him have it anyway. This insults the kid, who throws the wallet back to its proprietor and runs away. Kenshin returns to the Dōjō, and later Kaoru is asked by a man with a long mustache in a carriage about the location of the nearest police station.
After searching around, Kaoru finds Kenshin cornered against a wall by the sword police, armed police officers with the right to murder, or so they say. Kaoru heads closer to the scene, but other sword police officers stop her. The head of the Sword Bearing Police, Ujiki, demands that Kenshin draw his sword; otherwise, he and Kaoru will be killed before the public. The onlooking people all disagree in an uproar of negative comments towards the sword police, with the kid burglar also witnessing the scene. Ujiki provokes Kenshin by threatening Kaoru. Kenshin is finally pushed over the line; he draws his sword and fights.
At the police station, the man with a long mustache is talking to the police chief about the whereabouts of the legendary Battōusai when they are interrupted by a police who warns them of an ongoing incident with the Sword Bearing Police and that they are fighting against a man with exceptional skills, orange hair and a cross-shaped scar in his cheek. They realize he may be the legendary Battōusai and go to his encounter.
Easily, Kenshin takes out all the members of the sword police, leaving only Ujiki as the last one standing. He promises to be arrested by Ujiki on the charges of illegally carrying a weapon, but he wants the safety of the people to be guaranteed. Ujiki won't let the Rurouni go so easily. With his sword raised at his side, Ujiki charges forward at Kenshin. Using his speed, Kenshin leaps over Ujiki and slashes him across the back with his Sakabatō. Instantly, Ujiki is knocked out.
The man bearing the mustache Kaoru gave directions to when he was in a carriage appears before both Kenshin and Kaoru. The crowd runs over to hug the Rurouni as a sign of thanks and appreciation. The police disperse the crowd and take the sword police into custody for their abuse of power. The man is the Chief of the Meiji Government, Yamagata Aritomo. Once the crowd is cleared away, Kenshin greets Yamagata, but more importantly, Yamagata invites Kenshin to the position in the Meiji Government awaiting him. Graciously, Kenshin declines the position.
Even if he was one of the most important men that helped bring forth the Meiji Government, Kenshin does not accept such an offer. Government power has corrupted such individuals as Ujiki, for example. Kenshin does not want to forget what all the fighting was for - a new era of happiness for the people of Japan. As Kenshin and Kaoru walk away from Yamagata, he asks Kenshin why he carries a sword when it's useless in the Meiji Era. Kenshin turns around and answers. Simply, it's to protect. The only thing that has changed is Himura Kenshin from a hitokiri to a Rurouni. With that said, Kenshin and Kaoru depart. Through a basic trip to the marketplace, Kaoru has learned much about the man now living at her home.
Later that day, the kid sits on the waterfront, thinking about his current situation. A few Yakuza thugs come to collect his "earnings" for the month, but the kid, who they call Yahiko, tells them that he doesn't have any and that he won't work for them anymore. This prompts a brutal beating from one of the thugs.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Kamiya Kaoru
- Himura Kenshin
- Myōjin Yahiko
- Yamagata Aritomo
- Gasuke
- Ujiki
- Uramura
- Hiruma Gohei
- Hiruma Kihei
Anime Notes[]
- While the episode is based on the manga from Act 2, it transitions to Act 3 on the same day through the following arrangements.
- Yahiko's introduction before the plot where Kenshin and Kaoru stroll into town.
- Yahiko is watching Kenshin vs. the Sword Bearing Police among the crowd.
- After the battle, Yahiko conflicts with his current pride as a pickpocket when helping an old woman drop her wallet.
- The scene of Yahiko helping that old woman reflects the original scene from the 1996 anime, where Yahiko steals from an old man buying something for his grandson, but later changes his mind out of good conscience.
- The episode was titled after the original manga Act 3 title, although it mostly covered events of Act 2.
To be added