Udō Jin-e is a mercenary and the main antagonist of the Rurouni Kenshin: Restoration manga.
Udo has light colored hair, dark skin, black sclera with white eyes, and holes in each of his hands.
Udo wears black bodysuit that cover his entire body except for the top of his head, face, and hands, a black kasa, light colored kimono, a black mantle with tendrils of clothes hanging from it, and black shoes.
Udo is a psychopath that enjoy cutting and being cut equally. Udo is also willing to kill enemies, friends, and even innocents alike. Udo is so dangerous, that people figure that they couldn't work with him. Udo desires to feel the sensation that he felt during the Bakumatsu, and will go to any length to get that sensation.
- Himura Kenshin: Udo feels gratitude towards for what happened to his hands. After the Meiji Era started, Udo wishes to fight the Battosai so that he can get the same sensation he had during the Bakumetsu.
Udo is a skilled enough swordsman to match any captain of the Shinsengumi. After he received the holes within his hands, Udo fights by placing his swords through the holes. After having both his arms broken, Udo can move his arms as if he has two joint in has arms.
Udo is strong enough to defeat multiple people with just his hands.
- Saisai Joge Dozan (Simultaneous Cuts from Above and Below): Udo enters into a running position and then charges at his target. Udo then uses his weight and strength to preform a simultaneous slash, with one from above while another from below. The result of this attack is not shown since Udo was defeat before he can finish.
Udo has attacked Kenshin one time, which resulted in Udo receiving the holes that he has in his hands. As Udo comments about how he likes the sensation, Saito shows up and tells him to step aside since Kenshin is his target.
Udo is one of the men that was hired by Kanryu to kill Kenshin. As they all draw lots to see who will fight Kenshin first, Udo simply laughs and breaks his lot. Later after Kenshin defeats Sano, Udo shows up and asks if Kenshin is going to finish him off. Udo asks if Kenshin is going to kill Sano, but notices Kenshin's eyes and comments aobut how he sees that Kenshin doesn't take lives anymore. Udo comments about how beside a reason to fight, they will need to give Kenshin a reason to kill and leaves.
The next day, Udo kills the next four participants because they won't be able to return Kenshin to his former self. As Udo kills them, he figures that their must be a sacrifice in order to return Kenshin to being the Battosai. Udo then asks who are the next in line, which most of the mercenaries leave. Udo then leaves, while leaving behind a skewer with four heads on it.
Weeks later, Udo challenges the Maekawa Dojo and wounds most of the students their. Kaoru arrives and sees this, and asks if they kill them. Udo tells her to don't be crazy and that all he needed was his hand. As Kaoru takes a stance, Udo compliments Kaoru for her good form. As Kaoru attacks, Udo simply releases some pressure which Kaoru falls to the floor. As Kaoru wonders what happened, Udo explains what he just did. Udo then writes a message where he is going and takes Kaoru to Haykugokugahara.
As Udo is waiting in a field, he suddenly notices Kenshin's presence. As Kenshin asks were Kaoru is, which Udo points to her and reveals that he has but her wrists, and that he will have to stop the bleeding soon or she will die. As Kenshin's presence rapidly swells, Udo figures out were Kenshin is and charges. Udo attacks, but Kenshin manages to land a blow on Udo's head. Kenshin asks why Udo is going this to Kaoru and if this is revenge for what he did, which Udo explains how he enjoyed that Bakumatsu and how he wants to feel the same sensation he felt during the Bakumatsu during this peaceful era. Kenshin says that he refuses to give Udo what he wants and lands a blow on his back. Kenshin then use multiple technique to break both of Udo's arms.
As Kenshin comments about how both of Udo's arms are broken, Udo expresses how he is liking this sensation. Suddenly Udo notices his arms and expresses how great it is since it is like he has another joint in his arms. Udo thanks Kenshin and attacks, but Kenshin manages to dodge. Udo says that they should finish this, which Kenshin goes to attack but Udo catches Kenshin's sword with the hole in his hand and disarms Kenshin. Udo lands a blow on Kenshin and explains that Kenshin can't use the Sayabarshiri with a Sakabato. Udo figures that Kenshin can't unleash his full capability unless he kills Kaoru. As Kenshin tells Udo to stop, Udo simply thrust his sword into Kaoru.
As Udo expresses how this is how a sword should be used, which Kenshin suddenly lands a blow on Udo's head. As Udo says that he couldn't see Kenshin's attack, when a cut appears on Udo's chest. Udo thinks about how its wasn't just one strike, and that he couldn't see the second strike. As Kenshin comments about the undeniable truth of the sword and the art of killing, Udo notices that Kenshin scar has turned the color of blood. As Kenshin says that he is going to kill Udo, Udo says that that was enough for Kenshin to return to being the Battosai.
Udo says that they will battle to the death and takes a stance. Udo attacks with his Saidai Joge Dozan technique, and explains that the worth of life is at the moment when life or death is decides. As Udo is about to land a blow, Kenshin manages to stab Udo with 9 thrusts. Udo realizes what Kenshin has done and falls to the ground. As Kenshin goes to kill Udo, but Kaoru stops him which shocks Udo. Udo wonders how Kaoru is still alive but notices his sword slip from his hand. Udo figures that his wound has opened up, and that his sword point has strayed to the side. As Udo is angry that Kenshin has force him to abide by his pathetic vow, which Kenshin replies that the match is over since he will not kill Udo.
Udo thrust his sword into his chest and says that he won't give his life nor death to a man who won't kill. Udo says that it was fun for a brief moment and explains that a hitokiri is a hitokiri until death. Udo then dies laughing.