Mitsurugi, Master and Student is the 10th volume of the main Rurouni Kenshin manga by Nobuhiro Watsuki.
- Act 76. The Ten Swords in Action (十本刀動く Juppongatana Ugoku )
- Act 77. Prelude to Battle (死斗の幕開け Shitō no Makuake )
- Act 78. Chō of the Ten Swords (十本刀·張 Juppongatana: Chō )
- Act 79. The Thinnest Blade (薄刃乃太刀 Hakujin no Tachi )
- Act 80. Drawing of the Forbidden (禁忌の抜刀 Kinki no Battō )
- Act 81. Shakkū's Wish (赤空の想い Shakkū no Omoi )
- Act 82. When the Strings Meet (手繰りよる糸 Taguriyoru Ito )
- Act 83. Hiko Seijūrō (比古清十郎 )
- Act 84. The Mitsurugi Apprenticeship (御剣の師弟 Mitsurugi no Shitei )