“Do You Still Bear the Scar?” is the 18th volume of the Rurouni Kenshin manga.
After having returned from Kyoto, Kenshin and his friends resume their peaceful lives. But the peace did not last long when the Akabeko is destroyed and among other assaults, all a sign of mutual hostile pointed towards the Battousai.
Act 149. Kyoto Epilogue: Early Summer Morning (京都編エピローグ其之参·初夏の午前 Kyōto Hen Epirōgu So no San: Shoka no Gozen )
Act 150. Kyoto Epilogue: Early Summer Day (京都編エピローグ其之四·初夏の午後 Kyōto Hen Epirōgu So no Shi: Shoka no Gogo )
Act 151. Kyoto Epilogue: In the Blue Sky (京都編エピローグ其之五·In The Blue Sky Kyōto Hen Epirōgu So no Go: In Za Burū Sukai )
Act 152. Cross-Shaped Scar (十字傷はまだ有るか? Jūji Kizu wa Mada Aru ka? )
Act 153. The One-Handed Man (隻腕の男 Sekiwan no Otoko )
Act 154. The Signal Fire of Revenge (復讐の狼煙 Fukushū no Noroshi )
Act 155. Jinchū (人誅 )
Act 156. Comrades (同志 Dōshi )
Act 157. Yahiko's Desperation (弥彦のあせり Yahiko no Aseri )
Act 158. Twin Storms Blow! (双嵐吹き荒ぶ! Sōran Fukisusabu! )