Rurouni Kenshin Wiki

The Two Hitokiris (人斬りふたり Hitokiri Futari?) is the 2nd volume of the original Rurouni Kenshin manga by Nobuhiro Watsuki.


The fight between Kenshin and Sanosuke results in Sanosuke being defeated and becoming part of the Kenshin-gumi after realizing that Kenshin is different from the Ishin Shishi that framed the Sekihō Army. Sometime later, both Kenshin and Sano are hired to protect Tani Jūsanrō, an ex-Ishin Shishi, from a hitokiri called the Kurogasa otherwise known as Udō Jin-e. Jin-e shifts his targeting to Kenshin after learning his identity, but after seeing how weak he is compared to the Bakumatsu, Jin-e resorts to kidnap and paralyze Kaoru the next day to revive the Battousai within Kenshin. A furious Kenshin defeats Jin-ea nd nearly deals the fatal blow, until a struggling Kaoru manages to plead Kenshin back to his senses, leading to Jin-e committing suicide. A few days later, the Kenshingumi helps a woman named Takani Megumi who is on the run from an industrialist called Takeda Kanryū for illegal intentions.


  • Act 7. Mark of Evil (悪一文字 Aku Ichimonji?)
  • Act 8. And Then, Another (そして仲間がまた一人 Soshite Nakama ga mata Hitori?)
  • Act 9. Kurogasa (黒笠?)
  • Act 10. One Side of the Soul (心の一方 Shin no Ippō?)
  • Act 11. The Ribbon That Binds (リボンとわがまま Ribon to Wagamama?)
  • Act 12. The Two Hitokiri (人斬りふたり Hitokiri Futari?)
  • Act 13. The Meaning of the Name (志士名の由来 Shishi Na no Yurai?)
  • Act 14. End Beneath the Moon (月下終焉 Gekka Shūen?)
  • Act 15. Beauty on the Run (逃走麗女 Tōsō Reijo?)