Woo Heishin is a Shanghai crime lord and Yukishiro Enishi's second in command of his organization. After Enishi left the organization to him, Heishin became the boss.
Heishin is a small thin man with a bob style black hair, long thin eyebrows, and wrinkles under his eyes.
Heishin wears a black chinese shirt with a white trim around the edge and white cuffs., black pants, and black shoes.
Heishin comes off as a friendly individual but in reality, he is ruthless and is willing to have people killed when they are of no more use to him. Heishin also has a need for control, as he uses careful planning and micromanagement to rule the organization. Heishin has propensity of looking down on people, as he didn't understand that Kenshin's allies were his friends, not lackeys. Harboring a weak ego and distinct lack of maturity, Heishin becomes agitated towards anyone that underestimates him, as he was annoyed when Enishi thought that he owned his organization and when Aoshi states that Heishin would doom his organization for not being able to ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of his opponents properly. Additionally, he was an unabashed racist, repeatedly calling his enemies from Japan "monkeys" and casually deriding them for their nationality and for their technological advancements compared to those of China.
- Yukishiro Enishi: Enishi is Heishin's boss, and the two work together to control their organization.
- Su Shen: The Su Shen are Heishin's personal bodyquard.
Heishin has no combat skills at all, but he has been shown to use a gun.
Jinchu Arc[]
Heishin arrives on the island, with his bodyguards, to hide from the police. Heishin encounters Gein and introduces himself. After an exchange of words, Heishin heads up to the mansion to meet with Enishi. Heishin meets with Enishi and reminds him of his promise, which Enishi says that he will hand over the organization to Heishin when everything is settled. After hearing this, Heishin is relieved to hear this and says that he will be staying at his personal mansion while on the island. Before Enishi leaves, Enishi says that he has a job for him, but Heishin replies that he already ordered the men to deal with Gein. Heishin then leaves, and comments about how it's annoying that Enishi thinks that he owns them.
Days later, Heishin meets with Enishi and worries about Kaoru, but Enishi says that it's none of his business. Enishi then asks what Heishin wants, which Heishin explains that Arakawa hideout was taken and that Kujiranami, who went on a rampage, was defeated by Kenshin. Heishin says that Kenshin and the police will most likely come here and that Enishi should properly take care of them. Heishin then leaves with his bodyguards.
Days later, Heishin meets with Enishi and informs him that two police ships are heading this way. Heishin asks Enishi to authorize the cannons to sink the ships, but Enishi decides not to since Kenshin is on one of the ships. Heishin says that that is a foolish idea, which Enishi replies if Heishin wishes to challenge his authority. Heishin decides to give up and leaves, while also reminding Enishi of their promise. When one of the ships hits a mine, Heishin sees this and explains how he stationed around 200 mines in the cove and that they will have to use small boats to land. When Misao manages to detonate the mines before they hit them, Heishin wonders how this is happening.
When Kenshin's group makes landfall and Kenshin challenges Enishi, Heishin hears this and suggests that they unleash their soldiers. Enishi declines to do that and tells Heishin to leave since his personal business will end today. Heishin says that he won't leave since, Enishi's defeat and arrest would affect the organization. Heishin expresses how he would not like to inherit an organization that is doomed, but Enishi gets angry and tells Heishin to leave. Enishi then bids Enishi a goodbye and leaves.
As he is leaving, the Su Shen asks if he plans to run away, which Heishin tells them that they have no choice since Enishi is going to unleash his full power. Heishin tells the Su Shen that they will leave through the cove and that they will fulfill Enishi's revenge with their own hands. As they reach the cove, Heishin tells the Su Shen that he will unleash their power. As Kenshin's friends plan to fight the Su Shen, Heishin tells Kenshin to have his goons stand down, since he wants to deal with Kenshin. Kenshin tells Heishin that everyone here is his friend, and that Heishin should head back to Enishi and tell him that he will only deal with Enishi. Saito says that it's useless, since Heishin's role is management and that Heishin is mostly running away. Heishin hears this and explains that he is not running away and that Enishi has given the organization to him. They then ask why Heishin wants to deal with Kenshin, which Heishin replies that he wants to teach Enishi a lesson. Saito insults Heishin, which Heishin gets annoyed and tells Kenshin to put the scum aside and come forward. Kenshin says that his friends were first goons and now they are scum, which Heishin gets angry and describes Kenshin's friend's appearance and says that they don't have much time.
Aoshi warns Heishin about how an organization has no future, if their leader can't accurately judge an opponent's strength, which Heishin gets more angry and unleash the Su Shen on them. As the Su Shen jumps and lands in the middle of their opponents, they notice the characters for the Su Shin on their foreheads, as their hats fall off. Heishin explains how his bodyguards are master martial artists and that each has mastered a weapon that is inspired by the Su-shin. Heishin then orders his bodyguards to kill Kenshin's friends. Heishin then watches as the Su-Shin fight against Kenshin's friends. When Seiryu and Suzaku are defeated, Heishin is shocked by this, but is glad that Byakko is overwhelming his opponent. When Byakko is defeated, Heishin asks how they could lose to scum. Genbu tells Heishin not to worry since he will pick up the slack. Heishin says that Genbu is the worst since he can't defeat a simple child, but Genbu explains what he is capable of and that he is waiting for Yahiko to make his move. After Genbu is defeated, Heishin is shocked by this, which Kenshin explains what each of his friends are fighting for.
After the Su Shen are defeated by Himura Kenshin's allies, Heishin tries to retreat but Enishi arrives on the scene and sees that he still has not left the island and so, beats him to a bloody pulp. A fight ensues between Kenshin and Enishi. After this combat, Heishin re-awakens and tries to shoot Kenshin, but Kamiya Kaoru comes in his way. Upon seeing Kaoru protect Kenshin, Enishi is immediately reminded of the time his sister Yukishiro Tomoe threw herself in between Kenshin and Tatsumi in order to protect the former and died as a result. This prompts Enishi to stop Heishin in his tracks by punching him in the face. Enishi then goes to kill Heishin but Kenshin stops him. After everything is settled, Heishin is arrested, along with everyone else from the organization.